Monday, January 21, 2013

MLK/Inauguration Day

I feel so blessed to live in a time where a (still) broken and polarized country could see fit to elect a black man as President of the United States. Its even more filling to see that they've brought that man back for a second term and that he's being inaugurated on the day in which we celebrate Martin Luther King. The honor it must be to be the vessel by which we all bring actualization to so much of what MLK and so many others fought and died for. The legacy has come full circle.

I liked the clarity and focus in Obama's speech, despite commentary from those who for some reason were looking for "more". For some, he will never be able to do enough. Nothing anybody can do about that. I'd assert that you didnt re-elect the man to hear speeches. You put him back in the white house to DO shit. Maybe you need to get your mind right. Im just saying.

That being said....

*puts on ratchet hat*

Beyonce. Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl LOL.

You know you was lip synching. The end of the song is debatable, but at least in the beginning. Im hip to that whole "hold the mic close to block your lips" thing, you aint fool nobody. Thats why you took the ear piece out, you wasnt quite "N-Sync" (no Justin Timberlake LOL). And Im sorry, I was not impressed. I thought you would come out and straight SLAY the song, and some people think you did, but sweetie.... No. You didnt. For future reference, dont take liberties with the national anthem. It only takes away from the feeling behind the words. And some fool tweeting that your rendition has replaced Whitney's as the best anthem ever? GTFOHWTBS!!! Not even close. Lastly, I gotta know - why cant you just one time be part of the supporting cast? What was that whole glaze-over-the-crowd eye thing you were doing? This shit aint about you. I like you, Bey. I do. But sometimes you really make me wanna put a ring on it - your eye that is LOL. Simmer down.


Ok, Im done.

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