Friday, January 18, 2013

I can do all things!

I make too much money to ever be broke....But since I was raised believing I could be anything I tried to be, dammit, I found a way! LOL

And Im so good at what I do, I found a way to not only be broke, but be broke a lot LOL. Like regularly LOL. So dont tell me there is ANYTHING you cant do! LOL

Seriously tho. I finally got my shit together. It took about 45 minutes of being honest with myself about my bills and their ACTUAL due dates (LOL) and putting some of life's luxuries in the "if you want to spend more, make more" column, but I finally got it together.

See just as you sometimes have to put somebody else in check, you gotta check yourself from time to time too. You get all kinds of outta control but it never gets addressed because there's nobody to call you on it. That is until its your baby's birthday and you gotta choose between pizza and bus fare for the week LOL....smh.

So I'll work from home a couple days, whatever LOL

Im just sayin. You know when youre fuckin up. Dont wait til you get into a situation where everybody else will have to know LOL. Its a new year, get it together.

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