Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Final Change in Plans

I think its so funny when people catch feelings about something so small and their justification for acting out afterwards is their grown-ness LOL. Word? Thats what this is about, your grown-ness? Ok then, but if we're really honest, I think its more about your insecurity. Nobody can make you feel some kinda way unless you expose yourself in a place that enables it. If you werent in the wrong, we wouldnt be having this conversation, but I digress.

So.... *sigh*.... the kids are coming down with me a couple of weeks after Christmas. Not real happy about the way it came about, but I prayed to be shown what to do and I got my answer. Im kinda tired of having people in the middle of shit, throwing me curve balls and causing me to change lanes midstream, so as inconvenient as its going to be to deal with school transfers and bus arrangements over the holidays, I will just go ahead and do what I have to do. Im starting to think I should have just taken them with me from the beginning and just dealt with the hurdles, but you live and you learn. You try some things, they dont work and you regroup and try some other shit. This is me, trying some other shit. Lord give me the strength and focus necessary to keep it together and handle my job responsibilities, while bringing my family back together. Admittedly, I've been concerned lately that Im losing focus at work.

I need to find me a Knick or an NFL player to marry and not have to worry about this shit. Fuck it, everybody else is doing it...

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