Monday, March 8, 2010

Running on Fumes

So I didnt make it back here over the weekend, but it wasnt because there was nothing to write about - I was just exhausted. Even at this moment, I am finding it hard to believe I am not somewhere passed out, waiting for morning. I gotta be running on fumes right now, because my energy tank is definitely on E.

I wanted to call in so bad this morning, but I had some appointments and too much to do, so I couldnt. Made it through the day just fine, but somewhere around four, I knew it was time for me to go because people started getting on my damn nerves. Out of the blue too. Thats how you know you need to go lock yourself in a room for a little while, so thats exactly what I did when I got home. bad enough my boss decided to pop into town, unannounced. He did his rounds around 4:30 and saw that two out of our four-person team were already gone and I was on my way. He had some slick shit to say, but I work through lunch damn near every day, I produce every month, and Im consistent, on top of the fact that I even came in in the first place when everything in me told me to stay my ass home, so he really couldnt tell me nothing. He let it go, but I imiagine we will all get some kind of email tomorrow commenting on the hours we keep. Im just gonna act like he's not talking to me LOL. Talk to THEM MF's who aint pulling their weight. Shit.

Anyway, I dropped off the last of the sleepover boys around 6pm yesterday, and came back to the realization that my house was a complete disaster and I didnt have the energy to do anything about it. I knew I shouldnt have let my son con me into letting his last two friends stay all day. By six, I was no more good. I retired to the bedroom with a glass of cran-cardi and didnt move another muscle, with the exception of making dinner. I spent the rest of the night emailing with a homey of mine and watching the Oscars, and managed to stay up til the end. That being said, congratulations to Monique on her win for best supporting actress. To be honest, I am kinda surprised that she won, but then again, I havent seen Precious yet, nor have I seen the movies the other nominees in that category were in. I hear it was well-deserved though, and I'm gonna Netflix it this week to see for myself.

I was contemplating whether or not to tell my son about his friend having a little crush on me, but I decided not to. I dont want him to get mad at him about it. However, this little boy was a trip. He kept coming upstairs, standing in my doorway, or coming INTO my room and talking to me about nothing. I'd ask if he wanted something, and he would say no and just stand there LOL. Then any time I came out of my room, he followed me around and one time, leaving the kitchen, I caught him checking out my ass when I walked up the stairs! It got to be kind of creepy, to the point that I had to tell him to go outside, or leave my room. He makes me a little nervous for his future girlfriends, but Im trying to chalk it up to him just being eleven.

The reprieve of it all was the weather, I guess. It was beautiful outside yesterday and today was even better. Supposed to be that way for most of the week and I am NOT mad about it LOL. Im so sick of this winter bullshit, I dont know what to do. But as for tonight, Im gonna have a little something to eat and try to relax, hoping to gain a little ground on being 100% before the week is over, without taking any days off from work. Thats not real likely to happen, but hey.... Im keeping hope alive.

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