Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry [Day After] Christmas!

Great weekend upstate. Finally got to be there for more than a day and get around to see some people. Christmas at my mom's was almost actually amicable and the midgets got everything they wanted, so Im happy. Now Im home relaxing and hoping to make the most of this peaceful house to myself for the next 4 days. I dont have to get up extra early to do my daughter's hair and I dont rush home after work so people can eat. I aint got a damn thing to do at 5-something when I leave the office, but just the fact that I could if I wanted to is totally fucken awesome right now LOL.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and on a sidenote......

If I let you know Im gonna be in town, and I let you know Im IN town when I get in town, that is the end of my responsibility. If you cant say in that initial conversation when you are or THAT you are free to hang out, it is then up to you to hit me back if and when you are. I am NOT going to be calling, texting and hunting you down. I have too many people to keep track of for that. For those who take responsibility for that miss, cool. For those that hit me up, mad that Im already back home, chillin on my bed and avoiding cleaning my disaster of a house without having seen them, get your life. You have your priorities. I have mine. I aint mad, why the hell are you?


One visit I had has really been sticking with me all day. I went to visit my big brother who I hadnt had a chance to catch up with since I left. We sat in his kitchen catching up for about two hours, reminiscing on my adolescence and the friends I had (which he mentored/coached) back then and all the crazy teenage drama we had and it was a blast. Before I left, he told me that I was always special and he always felt a need to protect me. It really meant a lot to hear him say that, because it validated the relationship we have always had and why it was so important that I caught up with him on this trip. He gave a lotta people hell - including me - but I dont know how I would have fared in my wonder years without him always looking out. He's a lot of the reason I survived my crazy mama and all the teenage traps a lot of my counterparts fell to. I really appreciate his role in my life and one of these days, I hope I'll find some way to show it...

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