Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stop Being So Damn Helpful

I love people. You know what Im sayin? Like in general, I love people. But it annoys me so much when people don’t know when to stop “helping”. Learn that your role is not always to “help” LOL. Sometimes all somebody needs is for you to say “awww” and pay for the drinks LOL

Take for instance, smoking. Yall know I have been struggling with that for quite some time now, and its something I am going to attempt to give up for lent, and hopefully, beyond – remember I said that yesterday? Well…. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, ladies and gentlemen LOL. *smh* Now don’t panic, I haven’t smoked today, although I was soooooo tempted this morning to finish the cigar I only smoked half of last night. But I talked myself down from the ledge, and made it out of the house. Trouble is, even though I NEVER smoke during the work day, I am really sitting here, fidgety as hell right now. No bullshit, it’s like … uncomfortable. For the smokers….. if you’ve ever tried to quit before, I’m feeling like day 4. WTF is that about? As best I can figure it, my body is reacting to the panic in my mind. I didn’t take any prep time to get my mind right before doing this, it was just an abrupt stop – slowing to a cease vs a screeching halt – and that is really what the problem is.

I was talking to a friend about it this morning and she just kept trying to make suggestions about what the problem is. Im TELLING you what the problem is, you just cant see it as the problem because you’ve never had this problem. I say again: if you have never been a smoker, please don’t bother offering helpful suggestions to someone trying to quit, and limit your pep talks to “you can do it!” Anything more and you will just end up pissing them off, not understanding what they’re dealing with. If it was really as easy as it is in your mind, we’d have all quit a long, long time ago, so obviously, you’re missing something. And try not to be offended when I say “nevermind, you cant relate.” Shit, you cant LOL. Its ok. I still love you. Just don’t fucken help me LOL. Don’t.

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