Tuesday, March 8, 2011

40 Days of Blogging

If you could ask God one thing, what would it be? I feel like my answer would definitely vary from day to day, and today, I'd just have to know:

My dude, WTF is up with the number 40? LOL (Shut up, God know I play around LOL) But really doe....

Noah got rained on for 40 days and 40 nights.

Jesus wandered through the desert for 40 days, being tempted.

Moses spent 40 days on Mt Sinai.

Jesus spent 40 hours in the tomb.

Theres a bunch of other 40 references in the bible too that I will skip because they're stories I'm less familiar with, but why 40? I just really need to know what the deal is. So I have decided that during the 40 days of lent (which is really 46 if you dont take the Sundays off like they let you) I am going to read up. Maybe my answer's in there, IDK. Sure wouldnt wanna go asking God a question that was in the book LOL. Then he'll know I aint read it - #everlastinglifeFAIL!

So yeah, thats what Im gonna do for lent. That and give up smoking.... again. Oh come on, dont act like yall didnt suspect I was gonna fall off the wagon LOL. Hell, the first 30 days of my relocation alone woulda warranted somebody taking odds. But its ok, Im getting back on the horse, starting tomorrow, first day of lent. I'm gonna blog my way through it, hit or miss, so bear with me.

By the way, folks, I did some research today and I learned A LOT of stuff. All you gotta do is Wiki ONE SUBJECT and those damn blue links will take you straight down a rabbit hole, LOL. I started with lent. That took me to Mardi Gras and Epiphany and Passiontide and all kinda inter-related stuff. I had no idea Mardi Gras had anything to do with lent or Easter. I thought it was just an excuse for random people to party and be heathens, with no shame LOL. It really was an interesting trip down the information superhighway and I implore all of you - especially those who have been dragged into sacrificing for lent - to just take a look at what its really about. You might have a general idea already, but fill in some of the blanks. And while you're at it, click on some of the other blue links that jump out at you and learn a little something. Stop doing stuff just because somebody asked you to and everybody else in your row at work is talking about it. If it aint American Idol, it aint that simple LOL. Know what its about. Yes, there might also be some horrible backstory that's been lost over centuries (a la Valentine's Day or Halloween) but mainly, I just want you learn some stuff. And keep on learning, whatever you can. You never know when your 9-yr old daughter is gonna need help with a history paper.....

*staring into the camera*

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