Thursday, April 21, 2016

Fucked up

This shit don't even seem real, man. When Mike died, there were a couple things in play that made me feel the way I felt, not the least of which being that he was my dude like that. The circumstances, the timing, it was the hardest loss I could take outside of actual family or close friends. But with Prince.... where the hell did this shit come from? I can't even front; I thought of Prince like a vampire. He didn't fucken age, he didn't lose a damn beat in all these years, and I just didn't think of him dying like EVER. Of all the people I thought we might be mourning this year, he wasn't even a mention. Now he's dead? This shit is trippy. It feels like a bad movie where somebody is supposed to be dead but they aren't and they show up at the end of the movie just wanting to see who would care. Like Deliver Us From Eva or some shit. It still does not feel real to me. But I know it is, and I know there is more to the story - and that emergency plane landing last week - than what we have heard. 48 minutes from their destination and they have to do an emergency landing? I would bet he had an [epileptic] seizure on the plane. Either that or he had an episode of some sort, passed out, lost consciousness, and they didn't know what to do. The flu ain't bringing down no plane 48 minutes from their destination. I need to know.

I was supposed to go to a happy hour after work today but one of the main people I was going there to catch up with wasn't going to make it, so I bailed. I found myself basically wandering aimlessly through the streets of Manhattan, not quite ready to go home, but with no other direction in the state of mind I was in. I eventually made my way toward Port Authority and who do I see? Fine ass Lamman Rucker. I noticed him doing something on his phone outside the subway station near Bryant Park, with a chick so regular, she had to be like his cousin or something. I watched him for a minute as I got closer and just as I passed him, he looked me in the eye. Lamman Rucker has SEEN MY FACE so he knows I exist and I couldn't even enjoy that shit, man.

i'm just sitting here watching Prince videos, happy these music networks are stopping and dropping everything to pay tribute to this man, but mourning the loss of genius we will never again see in our lifetime. Rest in purple, Prince. The doves are indeed crying tonight....

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