Monday, July 30, 2012

Wall St, Day One

First day at the new gig and so far, so good.

I didnt realize I never told that many people I got a new job... or that I had even lost the last one.... until I saw the crazy response to my FB thread this morning. I guess I operate as if everybody in the world reads my blog LOL. They should LOL.

There's only one thing I dont like so far.... ok, well.... two...

I'm coming in with two other guys, both of which represent the worst of coworkers I had recently - the one guy who talks too fucken much and decides he's not gonna do what he's been told to do the way he's been told to do it because he doesnt think its better than his way lol..... and the young buck who has had like one job in his life, but has an answer for everything, even though he dont know shit LOL. Luckily, we are only starting together and not working together. We'll all be on different teams and projects. Thank the Lord.

The other thing - their coffee situation SUCKS! They have a Flavia machine, but why I gotta pay 75 cents for a dixie cup of coffee? LOL And why are the sugar packets rock hard, and there's no creamer? Cause nobody drinks this shit, thats why LOL. No wonder I came in here Friday and everybody was toting around their Starbuck's and Dunkins. Shame on them LOL.

The best thing about the office is that at least 20% of my co-workers have accents of some kind. That number is based solely on the number of people I have actually had the chance to speak to or hear speak, so there are a good number of them unaccounted for. The British ones are awesome. I could listen to them all day.

Thus far, I think the tasks are doable. Of course, things always seem easy before you actually have to do them, but I think the hardest part will be getting through to the C-level execs I have to book. You know those admins have on they Wonder Woman bangles, blocking errrthang like PING! PING! LOL But I'm not concerned.

To get to the office, I have to take the PATH to WTC. This morning was the first time I had really been up close and personal with the Freedom Tower, currently in progress. I didnt have time to stop and look around, but I'm pretty sure I walked right past the 9/11 memorial at some point and just didnt know it. On another note, I have to say I have never seen that many damn people in commute. Im talking about droves and droves of people coming up outta there this morning and at least 3x that this evening, with all the tourists. Item 1: find a way to maneuver through that madness with a little more finesse. The commute is short and sweet so I dont wanna mess with the route but that shit drove me crazy.

All in all, not a bad day, except I was starving when I came home. I cant wait to [hopefully] get groceries this weekend cause that little turkey sandwich I took with me for lunch aint do nothing but make me mad. And now at a time when I should be trying to do some more of this prep work I brought home, I have a paper to write. Ah well, Im training all week so I will have a lot of time to do it at the office.

So far so good. I dont think I will blog about the office again until the end of the week unless something noteworthy happens, but I knew if I didnt say something about it today, my phone wouldnt stop ringing and I would never get this paper done. So there you have it. Wall St, day one. Enjoy your night, folks.

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