Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Here Goes Nothin'

So…..As I said, I bought a pack of blacks at the same time I bought that e-cig and I figured I would start the e-cig when the pack was gone. I smoked the last one last night, but not late enough last night, so come about 10pm, I was like ok, let’s try the e-cig.

It is important to note that these things are not to be smoked the same way you smoke your cigarettes/cigars. If you smoke 30 cigarettes a day, you aren’t gonna pull this thing out 30 times a day, just to be smoking something other than a cigarette. If you’re doing that, its never gonna work (AND youll end up having to buy another one like every other day, cause its only got 250-300 “quality puffs” as they call em, which is the equivalent of about 25 cigarettes.) This thing only has a shot of working for you if you are really TRYING to quit and are using it only to take the edge off when that craving creeps up on you. Especially for a cigar smoker because like I said before, it tastes nothing like a cigar, so it doesn’t provide quite the same satisfaction. The vapor you pull in is different than with cigar smoke too, but it’s a LOT like cigarette smoke. A person trying to quit cigarettes should be golden with this thing, but it doesn’t quite hit the mark for a cigar aficionado. They need to come out with a cigar one.

Im still gonna try it though. Its sitting in front of me right now. Im usually straight all day at work and don’t smoke til Im home at night. People tell me that probably means Im not really addicted, more likely habitual, but damn that, I’ve FELT the withdrawal trying to quit, so its something. Of course all that could be psychosomatic but whatever, its not fun LOL. I have to try to neutralize some of my smoking cues too. For instance, when Im at home, coffee comes with a smoke. Its kinda hard to have coffee and not feel the urge. That’s what made me pull the e-cig out in the first place today and it did enough to take off the edge so I could keep it moving. And really that’s all you need is something that helps get you through those moments. There are no whole days ahead of you. Quitting smoking is something you take like ten minutes at a time. You get the urge and you challenge yourself to get thru the next ten minutes. You try so hard to distract yourself that usually by the time you check again, an hour’s gone by. I’ve been officially smoke-free (mindfully) for 13 hours. I’ll be fine until around 730, and then 730 to midnight is gonna be hell LOL. But if the Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, I will still be smoke free this time tomorrow.

*crossing fingers*

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