Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Casey Anthony may not have killed her 2 year-old daughter, Caylee, but personally, I believe she at least knows who did. As apathetic as she comes off, I still think she would have a hard time doing it herself. I think she stood idly by and allowed someone else to do it, sparking this shitweb of lies she’s been spewing since day one. But that’s just my opinion, based on the facts of the case as I know them, and based on the behavior that she has exhibited since the onset. Accidentally drowned in the family pool my ass……

And lets go with that. Let’s say Caylee “accidentally drowned in the family pool.” Why report her “missing” if you know she’s dead? And why did it take 31 days for her to even do that? COME ON SON! That grease don’t even smell right.

Having been on Facebook earlier, when the verdict was fresh, I know there are some people out there who are annoyed that people are reacting, very vocally, to the news of Casey Anthony being found not guilty. I contend that it would be foolish, if not irresponsible, to expect any less. What happens in these courtrooms across America indirectly affects all of us. You don’t yell loud enough when an injustice occurs, and you end up with 8 years of Bush.

Im just sayin.

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