Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

I couldnt believe some of the Facebook statuses today, from guys upset that they didnt get a card or anything.

How many women out here dont get Mother's Day stuff - EVER - and still carry on happily with their motherly duties every day? Since when do parents do it for the thanks? Your child's love and respect should be its own reward. I bet a lot of crappy fathers got cards today and are walking around feeling accomplished, when they aint did shit for their kid since it slid out the cooch, and you got the nerve to complain that you didnt get anything? If you are a good father, you did get something. You got the pleasure of spending time with that child today, and you get the honor of developing that child into a contributing, law-abiding member of society. You cant buy that at Hallmark.

Grow up.

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