Thursday, May 26, 2011

Letter To My Parents

Dear Parents,

I figured you would be on the list of letters I had to write, but I was hoping it would be like….. 27 days from now LOL. I really don’t want to beat a dead horse – all up and through the bitterness and resentment – so I will succinctly say that despite the issues I have with you both, I benefitted from having you as parents…..

Mom, I learned a lot about what not to do by watching you suffer through the outcomes of bad decisions. That’s not a negative statement, although it probably sounds like one. I think the duty of all parents is to lead by example and show their children the way….. keep them from making as many of the mistakes you made as possible. Mission accomplished. If you weren’t always afraid someone was judging you, you might be able to learn from them too.

That being said, I was glad to hear that you have finally taken my advice and returned to school. I hope 2012 has much more awaiting you than just a degree.

Dad…… *dry heave*……..Im sorry, I still…… cant….. quite…….. *sigh*……….Listen, LOL. The best thing about you as my father, was that you weren’t there. That sounds negative too, I know, but this time I really didn’t mean for it to be. The point I was getting at was that I really like the person I have become and I would hate to think your presence and influence might have interfered with that.

Thank God you two didn’t stay together. Im already two bad days away from the other side of the couch as it is LOL…..

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