Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I dont remember the last time I have been this fucken pissed off.

I have been on the phone all damn morning, trying to get my money refunded from a Western Union transfer that was accidentally run twice. The error was pointed out IMMEDIATELY - I mean, in the middle of the transaction - so there was no skirting of responsibility for the operator who fucked up. Why, then, after being told I would have my money in 2-3 business days, did it take two weeks to resolve? And I cant even say it was resolved, cause in the end, my bank posted a temporary credit to my account, in the amount of the transaction, pending investigation. So while its over for me, because I know their investigation is gonna yield that Western Union fucked up, the matter is still open. Who runs a business like this?

Sometimes I feel like businesses like Western Union purposely piss you off, so you can get so frustrated that you just say fuck it, and stop pursuing the refund. Fuck. That. You gonna gimme my bread. If I gotta call your company president at his mama's house, you WILL refund me my money. Four times, in the last 12 days, I've had to call and see where my money was. Four times, I was nice. I was professional. Time number five? Yeah. I was still as professional as one could possibly be while tearing somebody a new asshole, but it wasnt pretty. I got my damn money though. Sometimes you gotta get a little loud to make your point. Dont get ghetto though. They expect that. When you get ghetto and belligerent, it gives them license to write you off. They dont know what to do when you "bring your briefcase" as I like to call it. Then they realize you mean business.


Im still on the exhale right now tho, these muthafuckas had me hot. I would really love to be smoking something right now...... guess I better settle for a "woosah" and another cup-o-joe.... *smh*

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