Friday, April 15, 2011

My Morning Giggle

Found it on MSN.

"Philippines - The Catholic Church has successfully pressured McDonalds to pull a television ad in the Philippines that showed an eight year old girl asking an eight your old boy to be her boyfriend. Stop the presses - the first sign of the apocalypse is upon us.

In the commercial the girl asks the boy to be her boyfriend, and is told by the boy that he is not interested because girls are too demanding. That in itself might be reason to have a commercial pulled, but is not the reason at all the Catholic Church is up in arms.

Having failed at swaying the young boy through her own charms, the girl throws down her hand on the table and reveals that she was kind of hoping they could go get some fries ... you know ... at McDonalds.

BINGO! He is all about it now.

So here we have a case of stereotypical male chauvinism, and outdated ideas that women are just all about a man's money - this must be what the Catholic Church was trying to quash right? Not quite.

The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, an organization of clergy for the Catholic Church in the country, was so shocked at the idea that two children could have affection for each other that they immediately insisted the ad be pulled.

Bowing to pressure from the church, the ad was voluntarily pulled before anyone could even finish singing the Big Mac song - "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese ... "

There seems to have been no problem at all with the questionable undertones of male and female gender stereotypes, but a problem there was indeed with the idea that a young girl might ask a young boy to be her boyfriend.

It seems these days that the Catholic Church cannot make up its mind if it is trying to stop gay couples from shacking up, hide their priests from molestation charges or, seemingly now, to stop heterosexual children from establishing social connections and positive life experiences.

You can call a woman a gold digger, you can let a misogynistic male degrade women, but as God as their witness the Catholic Church will not stand for puppy love."


LOL but *smh*

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