Saturday, October 16, 2010

These Boys, These Boys....

...never learn.

So I met this guy last weekend when I went out. In a just-kidding-unless-you-really-gon-do-it way, he was lobbying for me to go home with him. Of course, that wasnt happening, but we did spend a long time talking and texting that night, and he's been texting me all week, whether I've been in town or not. His objective is still to get my drawz off, but we know this only happens when Dig wants it to, so lets keep it all in perspective LOL.

So we planned to link up last night, but my girlfriend decided she didnt wanna go out and I wasnt gonna go alone and hover until he got off and then "see" what the damn plan was gonna be, so I didnt go. I told him we could hang out today, after I finished looking at the couple of apartments I was going to see, but being the man that he is, he called me at like 8, when he was already at work (at the club) trying to make plans for when he got off - at midnight.

*staring into the camera*

First of all, let me tell you what his idea of a plan was LOL.... Im in Jersey. He wanted me to meet him in the city (Manhattan) at midnight, then we'd go together wherever we were decided to go [read: hotel or his house LOL]. Second of all, did I mention we talkin bout at midnight? LOL LOL.

I wish I could say my mother instilled this in me, but that would be an untruth and disservice to my own natural sense of.....sense LOL. The truth is, my mama never taught me a damn thing about how to deal with the opposite sex, unless you count what I've seen of her haphazard personal engagements, which really just taught me what not to do. I feel like a man who wants to see a woman should show her enough respect to not expect her to put her safety in jeopardy to meet him in some god-forsaken place, at all times of night. Said DRIVING man should pick said woman up and carry her to the agreed upon destination. Said man who utilizes public transportation should utilize his way to wherever the hell she is and escort her to the agreed upon destination, or at the very least, take on the responsibility of paying for the taxi that will safely carry her from point A to point B, while he texts her the entire way to make sure she didnt go missing LOL. To expect her to be on a bus, train, or come out of her own pocket for a $60-70 cab is unacceptable, and lack of understanding in said manner will only serve to show just how 27 you are - already a strike against you LOL.

So naturally, my answer was "HELL NOT" and he could respond in no other way than to say that he understood. Im glad you do. But Im guessing that this is only a sign of what is yet to come, so I would be really surprised if Im talking about said club bouncer guy for very much longer. If I am, it means he's in love with me already and doing everything I say LOL.

Im just saying LOL

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