Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Letter to Management

Dear Mr. Jesus,

Thank you for helping me keep my sanity over the last week of madness and aggravation. Thank you also for granting me the consciousness to simply delete the email I got from my mother today, rather than respond. I promise to pray for her. I really could have done without seeing the crazy crackhead guy that walked in front of my hotel with his pants down, but I guess you needed me to see that things could always be worse. At least Im not a crazy crackhead, walking in front of hotels with my pants down. I appreciate that. And lastly, Mr. Jesus, thank you for the apartment I just got approved for. Its not where I wanted it to be, but I acknowledge that You know better than I do. Real clever of you to have my landlord's name be Angel. I should have known.

Anyway, Im sure you have a world of other letters to read tonight, so I'll let you go. Thanks for working in such mysterious ways so I cant subconciously manage to mess it up. You rock, and Amen.

Love Always,

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