Tuesday, December 29, 2009


You know.... I should listen to my own advice. I tell people all the time that if they go looking for something, they will likely find it, and what do I do? I go looking.

Im on my way to the shower, right, and I stop in my room to pick up my towel and robe, when I hear a vibrating sound. Can't be anything but my son's cell phone. So my first instinct was to shrug it off and just take my ass on to the shower, but nooooooooooo. I gotta go be nosy. I have successfully fought off the urge to snoop for weeks and weeks, and suddenly, all that will power was down the drain.

So I press the 'view' button to read the text message> "Is it ova btw u and me?"

Im sorry, what? LOL

Ova? Between who and who? LOL When this lil nicca got a girlfriend? As I regained the feeling in my legs, my mouth slowly began to close, and I continued with conviction....... I read through about ten other texts, all from this same little girl, and she's WTFing all over the place, cursing and all this and Im just like *gasp!* LOL Then the unthinkable.... Im curious as to what message would precipitate these, so I go to the 'sent' folder.


Jesus Christmas, my son is low-cal sexting! Nothing too deep, but he's cursing, he's sayin little slick shyt like "dream about me" and "you know you dream about laying on top of me" *gasp!* i say *gasp!*

Alas, the time has come for the dreaded "talk." I can't put it off anymore. My son has entered the tweenlight zone.

Pray for me........

(to be continued)

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