Monday, December 28, 2009

Bad Girls Club

Ok so I really just started watching the Bad Girls Club, and I gotta tell y'all these broads are making my one-hour commitment to their bullzhit SOOOO worth it LOL. Now lets be clear, I dont condone violence of any kind, but I'm sorry, this was just HILARIOUS to me. People, you MUST know that you can't say nothing slick about a woman's kid(s). Any mother worth her salt will have an ass whooping in her pocket with your name on it. Christmas is coming early for you LOL. Either Natalie didn't get the memo, or she really thought Portia was just a punk about hers, but either way, Portia ran out the house and SET IT on her ass LMAOOOOOO!

Woo! I know Nat had a headache the next day.


  1. i was wondering when these chicks were going to make good on their moniker 'bad girls' and boy they did not disappoint!

    i'm glad Natalie got tagged, she gets on my effin nerves with all that 'i run LA' bs, ole Mack Tonight lookin azz, LOL

    Portia put a lacing on her and she deserved it. If you put people's kids into the mix, its most def gonna get ugly. Natalie was asking for an azz whooping and boy did she get it!

  2. What up mama! I sooo agree, Natalie deserved to have her ass handed to her and Inm glad she got it cause I cant STAND her!


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