Thursday, March 17, 2016

37: March Madness

Today was the most ridiculous day ever lol. My boss is gone for 10 days so I already knew there would be shenanigans but my team is just..... again, ridiculous lol.

A couple folks were about 15 minutes late but generally came in around the time they should. How much actual work got done? Just above the level of none lol. At least 30 minutes this morning was spent filling in March Madness brackets, and then by 12:30 we were at the bar with another team whose manager was out. When we came back to the office, it was all jokes for the rest of the afternoon. 3 people actually left AGAIN to go to another bar for about an hour. Tomorrow being Friday, I can only imagine. There are already plans to go out after work. One dude had a rehearsal dinner tonight, so I would be surprised if he came in before 10, if at all.

Big win though - I got my baby her college sweatshirt. Went all the way to NYU to get it, AND it was on sale. FOR THE WIN! Polished off that BEST MOM EVER trophy when I got home. #Undefeated #BOOYAH

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