Tuesday, September 27, 2011

So How Was My Day, You Ask?

Well, remember the conversation I went to have last night with my bed? Very brief. I was up til about 3:45 this morning, just watching TV cause I couldnt go to sleep. #FAIL

But maybe God was talking to my subconscience again. He's slick that way. Guess I'll know when my next bright idea hits me.

Anyway, quickly updating on my progress, I GOT A JOB! Remember I told yall a week or so ago I was "approved to hire" by this place, but had to wait for training to be available? Yeah, that place. They sent me the official offer letter today. I verbally accepted, but havent done so officially. I am still waiting to hear about the job I really want, and should know in the next day or two if I got it or not. Either way, I got a job, and there will be no upstate retreat for me! Woo Hoo!

AND Im down 10 pounds!!! Not no rounding-up-to-the-nearest-whole-number 10 pounds, but a bonafide, honest-to-goodness 10 pounds. Im halfway to my short-term goal of 20, but best case scenario, it wont stop there.

All in all, I'd say its been a good day. I wasnt even all that tired after being up so late.... of course, after I woke up to get the midgets out the door, I got back in the bed until noon, but Im sayin LOL.

Now I can start to focus on the question that was posed to me earlier tonight: what am I gonna do for my birthday? I dont really know. I was asked if I was gonna come upstate to throw my usual party, or if I wanted my crew to come down here and [I guess] do the whole Times Square thing. Interesting that I would get that question today since it did very briefly cross my mind last night, after I read through some of my old journal entries. Some jackhole nearly ruined my birthday the last time I planned to do Times Square. Actually, TWO jackholes nearly ruined that birthday. I pulled it out though. And now I can do Times Square any New Year's I want - PUNK! Now! LOL.... But IDK. I gotta give some thought to that one. Luckily, I still have plenty of time. As always, I'll keep ya posted.

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