Saturday, November 23, 2013

What's Love Got To Do With It?

Just wanted to get this off my chest, but Ima make it quick.

The background: you have a soul mate who also feels you are theirs. You date for a period of time and then for whatever reason, you part ways. Years later as great friends, you both take responsibility for your role in the demise of the relationship, however life went on in the between time and at least one of you is now married with children.

First of all, there is nothing cute about a married man addressing another woman as "Mrs. [insert last name]" - NOTHING. I don't care if you say (or even truly feel) she should have been your wife. She isn't. Not only is it hurtful to her if she still has feelings for you, serving as a reminder that she cant be with you but its disrespectful as hell to the actual wife you are about to go home to. Im sure you think its a stroke to the ego to let this woman know you still feel this way about her but newsflash, homie: Its not. Why? Quite simply, love aint got shit to do with it. Life aint about feelings, life is about choices and the situations that result from the ones you make. Sure, we would all have made different decisions at certain points in time if only we had known "something" but the best lesson anyone could have learned along the way is not to make permanent decisions based on temporary circumstances.

When you go on with your life, let her go on with hers too. Don't strain the friendship you've been able to settle into by constantly pulling her back with all your lamentation. If she still has feelings for you, trust, she's had her own struggles with it but if she's managed to keep it moving despite that, let her. You cant, you say? Well, why not? Oh! You love her! Well why didnt you say so? GTFOH LOL

Message of the day: If you don't "love" her enough to be with her, leave her alone.

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