Monday, September 23, 2013

You are your only competition

The problem with social media is that it can cause us to be entirely too wrapped up in other people's lives. It can be good if what you see motivates you to do something more than what you've been doing... realize your own potential.... but it can be bad if you see something you feel is lacking in your own life and it can make you depressed or over-analytical of your existence. Look, life is not a competition. Your circumstances are your circumstances. Somebody else's situation is somebody else's situation and many times its nothing like what you perceive it to be. You are just on the outside looking in and you are only looking at what they want you to see.

The most important thing to realize about social media is that people you don't know on a personal level can paint whatever picture they want of themselves and you would be none the wiser if its a total fabrication. Don't live your life based on the lives you THINK other people are living. Do what makes you happy. Achieve your own goals and be your best YOU. Don't compare yourself to other people because many of those people aren't even real - literally and figuratively. Be happy for those who are making strides you know to be true but don't let those things make you feel unworthy either. If anything, let those things incent you to make some strides of your own. If you don't know what you want to do, take some time to figure it out. How can you achieve happiness if you don't know what happiness looks like for you? You have to take the time to think about it and you have to do some things differently if you want to achieve different results. It seems so simple, right? So then... why haven't you figured that out? My guess is because you spend too much time watching other people's updates and getting sucked into the fallacy. Even if its all real, what does it have to do with YOU? Not much, probably. Nothing, I'd guess. Just remember that life is not a competition and if it were, you would be your only rival. Your journey is your own and where you wind up is of your own determination. You can do anything you set your mind to. It sounds cliché but its one of life's few and great truths. If you don't see it for yourself, how can you achieve it? Go. Be great. And if you cant be great, be consistent LOL.


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