So today was only the 2nd time I’ve been to the dentist in like 5 or 6 years – the first being about 3 weeks ago, which is when I made this appointment. Nobody likes going to the dentist but I REALLY don’t like going to the dentist, so those appointments were always the first to get moved if some other shit came up. You know, important shit like.... organizing the silverware drawer lol. Eventually “moved” would always turn into “canceled” and here we are 5 or 6 years later, in need of $6,000 worth of work….smh.
I was reminded of all the reasons I hate the dentist today and yup, they are all still there lol. But it was a necessary evil, especially after I broke my tooth (which is why I went to the dentist 3 weeks ago in the first place). I wasn’t happy though.
She stabbed me in the gums like 16 times with that needle and I was getting a deep cleaning so then she went to scraping and digging into every individual tooth, under the gum, on both the front and back sides, from one side of my mouth to the other and back again. EVERY INDIVIDUAL TOOTH! Bad enough it was already uncomfortable as shit, the damn dental assistant kept trying to drown me lol. I had to wave off the dentist I don’t even know how many times, to get the incompetent ass assistant to suction all the drool and blood I kept friggin choking on. Im like why I gotta prompt you drain this shit? Dude, that’s your ONLY job! LOL Where do they find these people? LOL Then I gotta be the broad with the weak stomach, dry heaving and shit when I see all the blood get sucked up through the tube; had to close my eyes every time she did it and also when I rinsed with the mouth wash afterwards because I couldn’t stand the sight of all the blood in the sink….smh. Im sorry, Im not good with blood and that shit was just gross. Between the pain, the blood, and being hungry as shit, I started trembling and could barely hold the cup so little miss Everest College ended up having to hold it for me. I was mad lightheaded by the time we wrapped up, so they held me hostage in the waiting room for an extra 15 minutes to make sure I was ok.
I told them I was better just so they could let me go, but I spent the next 2 hours still dizzy, plus unable to talk because my bottom lip and jaw were numb and I kept feeling like I was drooling. Couldn’t drink the water they gave me, for the same reason. It kept spilling down my sweater lol – that is until I got smart enough to make use of one of the 800 straws in my desk drawer. That still wasnt fun because even though I was dehydrated and needed to drink it, it just tasted like fucken blood sauce cause my gums had been butchered to damn death. On multiple occasions I just knew she was gonna chisel a tooth clean out my mouth....smh. I was still starving but couldnt eat until the novacane wore off and then I was scared to even chew, thinking it was gonna be painful. I figured a croissant sandwich from Dunkin Donuts would be soft enough to deal with, but I was still afraid to bite into it, so I just tore pieces off lol. It was a pitiful sight, Im sure, but fuck it, it was good and the dizziness went away so whatever lol.
Not long after the novacane wore off, the headache set in, so I damn near OD'd on ibuprofen just to make it through the rest of the day. My gums feel swollen and a tiny bit tender but otherwise, Im fine now. Hella torturous but my teeth are dumb smooth, I can say that much lol. I still feel kinda wound up from all tension but hopefully this hot shower will help level me out. Just to think that this is only the FIRST of a series of fucken procedures I gotta have.....smh..... people, keep your dentist appointments, please. Dont be the asshole like me lol. It aint worth it.
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