This was the scene from the balcony of my hotel room a couple mornings ago. Not totally sure its fully carried in this photo but it was, without doubt, one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen with my own eyes. We worked hard all week with very little leisure time so I had to steal little moments like these wherever I could. Logistically, there seemed to be quite a few issues with the conference itself, but overall, it was a great experience. I got to go to California for the first time, stay in another awesome hotel with AMAZING food (I swear I feel like I gained 35 pounds LOL) and I got to meet a lotta heavy hitters in the insurance and finance game. The long-as-hell flight back to the east coast afforded me quite a bit of time to think and when I look over my life, I can feel nothing but blessed.
Hell and high water - been through them both and back again - but everything I've done, every tough decision I've made and gut-wrenching experience I've endured has led me to this place Im at now. I still have a ways to go and so many things I still want to do but its experiences like this one that allows me to see through the fog of circumferential bullshit the world tries to inundate me with and realize how good I have it.
I sat on that balcony and just stared at this mountain with all those beautiful colors on the other side of it and said to myself that this is an image of me in so many ways that to account for them all here would make this the longest blog in the history of blogs LOL. Sometimes we spend so much time focusing on the mountain that we miss all those beautiful colors.... but you cant miss them. You cant. Because eventually the sun will come all the way up and all those beautiful colors will be gone and the best you can hope for is another day where maybe you might get to see it again. But some moments.... when they're gone, they're gone forever. You wont always get another shot.
Lose yourself.
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