Thursday, April 14, 2011

Peace Out, Pine Valley>1=28103

ABC is cancelling "All My Children" and "One Life To Live." Damn. I havent watched "the stories" in years, but I recognize the magnitude of this decision. I realize networks have to do what's necessary to maintain their viewing audience, and maybe today's daytime patrons aren't really feeling the soaps. I dont know. While I'm sure ABC thinks its the best thing for their ratings, even they have to think it's bittersweet - pretty sure the article stated that, now that I think about it.

Damn. No more Ericka Kane? No more Nicki/Vicki shenanigans? No more todd and Marley and Nora and Dixie and Clint and Toby and Kunta and.... wait, am I making people up? LOL Whatever, I just know its sad LOL. I only watched "All My Children" for a brief time, but I remember being glued to the TV for "One Life To Live" when I was in college. Muhfuckas getting abducted by aliens and all, I was still watching LOL. Let somebody die off the show, that would be a somber day. ALL day. It be 10:30 and somebody's reply to "what's wrong?" would be that Asa Buchanan died today LOL. And you better believe a twenty minute conversation would ensue after that, about whether or not they thought Nicki was gonna finally get caught LOL.

Ahh man. End of an era. I tip my hat.

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