So Barack Obama produced his official long form birth certificate today, amid speculation and accusation of not being an actual American citizen (among other things). Upon doing so, he commented that he normally would not have entertained such folly, but it was starting to become a distraction, taking the focus off of much more important issues that he and the nation need to deal with. He felt that laying the rumors to rest would allow people to move on and refocus on the bigger fish there are to fry.
I get that. I do. HOWEVER……..LOL
If you had taken the position that you were not going to feed into the nonsense, you should have held that position and not dignified such trivial chatter with any kind of response, outside of your original “Yes, I am” and left it at that. Period. When Bush presented himself as an American citizen, nobody asked him to prove it, and his daddy been in bed with the Arabs for years LMAO! (That was a good one, if I do say so myself LOL)
I was Facebooking with one of my girlfriends earlier and she said the birth certificate thing was all they had and by addressing it, Barack took their power……
*staring into the camera*
Do you LIVE in America? LOL
Barack Obama did not take anybody’s power. If anything, he GAVE these fools power by validating their shenanigans, which he shoulda kept ignoring. There is always gonna be something else now. Once you put yourself at the disadvantage of an explanation, you will be explaining forever. Its just like arguing with a little kid. When you tell a little kid "cause I said so, thats why" then thats it. When you go explaining yourself to that child, you will forever be explaining yourself to that child, and "cause I said so" aint never gonna cut it again.
Poor Rocky (as I affectionately like to refer to him LOL). Didn’t he see what happened with 50 and Ja Rule? He just made the same mistake Ja Rule made when 50 Cent came for him. 50 had no power, so long as Ja Rule continued to ignore him. It wasn’t until Ja Rule engaged, that he really made himself an open target. Shots that once bounced off the invisible force field of disregard, were suddenly hitting Ja Rule center mass, and before long, Ja was but a mere fragment of hip hop collaborations gone by LOL. Jay-Z dont go to war with just any-ole-body who calls his name, and you the Jay-Z of politics. You supposed to "son" these fools and let em know you the Prez, you dont play kid games or acknowledge their low-rent, hating asses. But you aint do that. Now you gonna go down in history as "that nigga that got 50'd by Trump" LOL *smh*
I understand the mentality, and I know how good it feels to be able to “shut people up,” but this is one of those occasions where I really wish Barack had just kept on steppin. Be above that shit. When a person gets you to respond, after you said you wouldn’t, they’ve already got you on the ropes.
Donald Trump and everybody who came before him on this witch hunt just looked really, really stupid whining about this whole birth certificate thing. I woulda let their asses keep looking stupid. Its just so childish. And also, I need these muthafuckas to read The Art of War… If you gonna try to discredit somebody, at least be smart about it. You don’t raise issue about something that could easily be proven LOL. You raise issue about something that CANT easily be proven, if at all. You create the kind of insatiable doubt that makes people forever question a person’s honesty and motives. You know, just a little pebble of truth amidst an avalanche of lies has toppled many a mighty empire LOL.
So why even open the door to it? Im disappointed, Rocky. I thought you knew better, but if you knew better, you'd do better, and well..... so much for that LOL!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
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