From MSN:
In the Chinese calendar, 2010 was the Year of the Tiger. If you're feeling a little tuckered out after these past 12 months, don't worry, that's natural. The Tiger was quite a torrid one for relationships, full of tumultuous mood swings, lots of hard work and over-the-top passionate adventures.
Thankfully, you survived the drama, and perhaps even enjoyed it, but it's time to move on to a calmer year and animal. Come February 3, 2011, it's the year of the Rabbit. Need a little schooling on what that means for your love life? Let's take a look:
The Chinese Lunar Calendar, which resets each year in late January to mid-February, is one of the most ancient calendars in the world. According to legend, the Chinese emperor some 4,000 years ago held a race to figure out the sequence of animals in the 12-year cycle of his new calendar. The rat came in first by hitching a ride on the ox's nose and jumping over the finish line at the last possible moment (crafty!). The rabbit was fourth, so we are currently in year number four in the cycle.
The year we're headed toward is significantly less stormy than the one we just endured. Chinese astrologers are projecting "quiet, positive and inspiring" things to come along with the Rabbit. ...Read More
Rabbit years are generally an excellent time for arts, culture, world diplomacy and focusing on the family, which sounds good to us. But let's get to the real deal, friends. What will our love lives look like for the rest of the year? In a word: sweet. The Year of the Rabbit is all about sensitivity and letting your love life unfold with patience — far different from last year's go-after-it approach.
If you're single, the Year of the Rabbit will be about going with the flow and trusting your gut. You'll be able to find love, but it won't come in the form of exciting, overwrought romanticism. Love in the Year of the Rabbit will be subtle and ultimately more rewarding if you don't push too hard for things to happen and let them evolve at their own pace.
This year you've been gifted with solid intuition, so use it. Date lots. Play the field. Wait for the right person to walk into your life. There will be tons of takers, but the perfect one might not come along at first. You'll probably have to sit back a while, but don't give up. Remember that saying: Good things come to those who wait. That should be your motto for the next 12 months. Adopt it and you might just hook yourself a real catch.
Bing even more:
If you're already in a relationship, this could be your year. The calm, quiet energy of the Rabbit should surround your long-term love, making life pretty blissful. If you both focus on strengthening your bond through the small, everyday aspects of your relationship with a giving attitude—for example, you pick up his dry-cleaning and he grabs your favorite takeout — you'll cultivate the best kind of bond.
When you're happy, you're often inspired to secure that happiness for the foreseeable future. So if you haven't yet tied the knot, odds are in your favor that you'll wind up committed by the end of this new cycle.
With those forecasts, we can't wait to see the Year of the Rabbit unfold. It will be a great time for tapping into emotions and finding peace, but ultimately, the year will be what you make of it — in life and in love. So there's only one thing to do, of course … make it an incredible one.
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