Happy Valentines Day, dammit LOL.
Unless you've been under a rock somewhere, yall know I cant stand Valentines Day, but I have my reasons, and I really do try not to take the position of "Fuck Valentines Day!" LOL I try to just bring balance to the day by countering people's fuckery, with all the expectations and the demands they make on their mate and what not, but there is always some bullshit that just makes you wanna check the fuck out LOL.
Like a little while ago. I work on 15. There is a pantry on 17, but the pantry on 6 is the only one that has grapefruit juice. (me <--- junkie LOL) So I go get my grapefruit juice and dammit, no pistachios. (me <--- junkie LOL) Ok, looks like we're going to 17 anyway. I get in the elevator and this chick is in there with a big ass vase of red roses. They were really nice, but Im looking like where the hell are you going, cause you work on 8, but 8 aint pushed. She getting off at 17 with me. I let her step out first, cause I was curious. I said I know good and damn well this chick aint come all the way up here, TO THE PANTRY, with these damn flowers. Now she cant find anywhere to sit them down, while she fakes jacks at the coffee machine LOL. I just shook my head. I got my pistachios, and here go this broad again, getting in the elevator with me. No coffee. My best guess is there werent enough of the right people in the pantry for her to impress, so she bailed on the charade completely LOL. Im getting off at 15, here she come. Really? Traipsing down one side of the office, to the bathroom. For real tho? LOL Like..... for real? LOL Nevermind the fact that they got bathrooms ON THE FLOOR YOU WORK ON, but theres bathrooms on every floor, including 17 that you just left, so WTF are you doing peeing on 15? LOL This is the simple shit that makes me hate February 14th. Aint nobody gave a fuck about you yesterday, they dont give a fuck about you, OR your flowers, today LOL. Get your life.
Yall, I swear Im not hating. That kinda shit just pisses me off. I cant stand for people to always be standing on the proverbial table going "look at me, look at me!" Shit is annoying as hell. Just like the people who suddenly be tryna floss when they get their income taxes back. Sit your ass down LOL. *RME*
But anyway, like I said, I really try not to condemn the day completely. I guess I just hate to see people take their relationships for granted and today tends to be the day they do it most. Today aint about you, honey. Thats what your birthday is for LOL. Today is supposed to be about YALL - celebrating what yall have - and it shouldnt come down to February 14th. One day that Hallmark said "go buy some shit" does not mitigate 364 other days of the year when this nigga's kicking your ass or that bitch is fuckin your cousin LOL I mean, seriously.
I digress though, I can talk about this shit all day but Ima let yall "Friends of Cupid" live LOL... Happy Valentines Day to the ones out there who know how to keep things in perspective. I hope its a good one. Now to say again, as I do every year, if youre single, dont be down. LOVE AND DATE YOURSELF. If you like it, why should you have to wait for somebody else to give it to you? Buy your own flowers, pamper yourself, have your favorite dinner, with wine and music.... do it up, chile. Life is too short to keep waiting for Superman...
P.S. I told yall having a boyfriend today wouldnt make no damn difference, I still hate this shit..... but guess what..... *looks around*...... this is week 6...... could it be......? LOL Stay tuned....
(dun, dun, DUN!!!!!)
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