Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where My Girls At?

I was a fly on the wall today during a Facebook conversation where one girl was talking about some drama that had gone on, and the more she wrote, the more it became obvious that she wasnt quite the victim she claimed to be. But as I write this, I guess I have to cede that maybe it wasnt so obvious, because the girls she was talking to rallied right up behind her, talking about how people are haters and how they would have said this or done that, and before long, they were all on the offensive, sucked into a situation that originally, and STILL, had nothing to do with them.

The situation made me think about somebody I used to be friends with - or at least, someone who I thought, at one time, was my friend. She would come to me damn near every day with some new drama that had occurred at work, or some other place, talking about people like it was her day job, and I didnt think much of it because we were "homies" and she was SUPPOSED to tell me stuff. It never occurred to me that she could be lying, or that as much as she was talking to me about people, she could be talking to people about me, until I found it to be the case. I felt played, and I was mad at myself for not seeing it sooner, but its nearly impossible to put out a fire from within the flames.

I didnt try to retaliate, I simply cut her off - I personally dont have time or space for that type of nonsense in my life - but it made me feel foolish and simple as hell for those times I let her tell me how the people she beefed with (and there sure were enough of them LOL) were all just jealous of her. That girl stayed in some kind of drama and it was always because people were "hating". She was my "homie" so I started sounding a lot like these girls today, jumping to her defense without the whole story.

Oh, to know then the things I know now.

When somebody you know keeps drama around them, and is always playing the victim in the situation, do yourself a favor and dont rush to judgment. Dont stop talkin to muhfkas you have known all your life cause this person done came and told you some bullshit you aint verified. Dont let somebody have you fighting at the club with some random person you never even met a day in your life, and now YOU gotta look over your shoulder too. If they punched your girl in her face, it is possible that she deserved it - maybe she shouldnt have said what she said LOL. I think its natural to want to immediately rally behind our friends - and for those that are tried and true, you SHOULD - but yall know those aint the friends Im referring to. When those hokey ones are ALWAYS in the middle of something, you have to begin to question why that is. Flies dont draw to sugarplums, they draw to shit. You could save yourself a world of hurt and harm if you just take a minute to ask yourself if they are really the ones hanging on the cross, or the one banging in the nails...

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