Thursday, January 7, 2010


So there is this guy on my FB who apparently has decided he is infatuated with me. Fine, Im hot, it happens LMAO! But will somebody please tell me when digging a woman means asking her every single day - EVERY SINGLE DAY - if you can come over? I got two words for you:


Seriously. I know there are times when sitting in the house, having a drink or watching a movie is hot. Making your first impression on me is NOT one of those times. You dont get to do that until you have some kind of rapport built and until I feel comfortable with you a) knowing where I live and b) being in the same space as my midgets.

But my main question is: is courting a lost art?

Now, I havent done a whole hell of a lot of dating in the last year, but the dating I have done, both in this year and in years prior, was sad LOL. I mean, what ever happened to a brotha calling you a few times, then wanting to take you to lunch or dinner, or Walmart LOL - WHEREVER? And if or when that time comes when you are invited to (or allowed at) the house, arent you supposed to bring something? Bottle of wine, a pepsi, SOMETHING??? LOL

Dudes are just tacky today and its depressing LOL. No wonder so many relationships (or whatever you wanna call em) fail so miserably. Men dont even know how to act in the early stages. And the crazy part is, the men who do have some "act right" are the ones that are already attached, so no wonder they aint shit LOL. The women all swarm to the guys who have a little dating class (even when they dead ass wrong) so if that guy just happens to be your man, and he has a wandering eye, girl..... *smh*

Whats bad is the dude seems cool. He's just hella thirsty-acting. Fellas, you dont need to constantly tell a woman how beautiful she is. The fact that you are all up in her grill is enough evidence of your attraction to her. A secure woman will get bored with that shyt quick and start wonder about your intentions. And definitely dont beat her in the head with the how much you want her nonsense. Again, youre here, aint you? She knows you want her. What else you got? LOL She knows why youre there, the question is why should she give you the time of day. You are probably at the end of a long line of other guys who "want her" too, so you need to give her a reason to separate you from them. Give her a reason to give a damn that you want to see her, cause I promise you, right now, she doesnt LOL. If you are satisfied taking a number and waiting in line, you go ahead and continue doing what youre doing, and she will eventually call you when guy #122 pisses her off and she needs someone to make him jealous with. But then you'll be right back on the back burner when her strategy works and guy #122 starts acting right again LOL.

Get it together. Seriously.


  1. Damn! Why you gotta put me on blast, Dig?
    'Cuz I'm patient enuff to be #123? LOL

    Good read... and educational too.


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