When you win a trip to London and can't expedite your passport in time to go.
It's okay though, I'm actually not upset about it. It may sound strange but I kinda hate the idea of England. Nothing about that place makes me wanna see it. The food prospects alone are enough for me to question why the place even exists, like..... why?
But winning the trip at all is a testament to how amazing my 2018 has been so far. Who wins a fucken trip to London? Seriously. I probably COULD have gotten the expedite in time - the flight woulda just been exponentially higher - but because I opted to just let someone else to go, I wound up with a much better consolation deal: Row D at The Lion King, here on Broadway! I'll take that, thank you very much!
Also seeing Hamilton next month - SUPER excited about that!
Just did my taxes and a bitch didn't owe for the first time in like six years! *fist bumps the universe*
Somewhere in Midtown at this very moment, there's a bat being engraved with my name for having just had the biggest revenue month in the almost 3 years I've been with my company. This will be the second time I'm inducted into the $50K Club, and currently only the second person to do so. Can you say KILLIN' IT?!! And yes - YES, I am tooting my own horn, gotdammit, I work HARD and all these kids wanna damn do is eat LOL.
So pardon my absence of late, I'm out here living my best life, #Bae in tow (you better come on through, 2018! LOL), while I can because we never know how long ANY run - good or bad - is gonna last. I'm tryna milk this cow DRY, you hear me? And there's enough to go around, y'all better get out here and get you summa this 2018! Shoo........
Friday, February 2, 2018
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