Monday, March 28, 2016

Morning Thoughts

I think I want an older man. I think I NEED an older man actually, but I think I want one too. One still holding onto his youth though, I ain't checking for Grady LOL. Picturing something like 52, from Harlem (so he's cultured LOL), with a salt and pepper beard, a couple coins and a mean two-step LOL.

Dang, that sound like Frankie Beverly LOL

Friday, March 25, 2016

And then!

THEN you respond to my "Where did that come from?" with "Ok" to which my internal response was "What the fuck does that mean?" but my actual response was just "?".... and you follow with "Wish you would come to see me this weekend."

*staring into the camera*

I've known you a week. In that week, we have discussed SEVERAL times how I will not be going all the way to fucken Poughkeepsie to see you ANY time soon, for very simple reasons. 1, I don't know you like that yet. 2, I know ZERO about Poughkeepsie and since you've only recently moved there, neither do you. You couldn't even direct me if I got lost. And 3, you drive, I don't. It just makes more sense that if someone was going to make a trip, it should be the person with the car. Not to mention, you're the man, and I personally feel as though a man should be less eager to put a woman in such a situation as to make a 2 hour + trip on a train to somewhere she isn't familiar because you're scared to drive in or through the city and you "don't use GPS".

We've been over this. We JUST talked about this the night before and I was clear. So after assuming that I had lost interest because I was busy doing other shit yesterday, you think the cool thing to do would be to underscore your Rochester nature with yet another example of you not getting it, suggesting I should do something I have already stated in no uncertain terms that I was not going to do. Mm.

I'm gonna go on ahead and STILL not reply that text OR the follow up that I'm sure is coming, stating once again that you guess I'm not interested. Good guess.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


"Well I guess you lost interest." Yup. Just now.

We spoke last night. We sent good morning texts. I didn't say anything else all day because I was WORKING and dealing with life. Now I have the pleasure of your menstrual all up in my inbox because you didn't say anything else either? #icant I did respond "Where did that come from?" but quite honestly, I don't care. I cannot stand emotional for nothing ass dudes. I knew he was the type when he told me in our very first conversation how lonely he gets. We all get lonely, don't get me wrong, but when this is one of the first things you offer up, it tells a person that it's in the forefront of your life and your focus is on trying to not being lonely anymore. That's fine, but I'm probably not the woman you wanna choose as the remedy. I'm not "looking" for somebody. I'm chilling until I come across someone that makes me feel like I don't wanna chill no more. You may be cute and we may talk as if we have known each other for years but... we haven't. We still have to get to know each other and I still have to decide if you're somebody I can see myself with. Unfortunately, you have not really cut the mustard, so you being all in your feelings right now is just plain unattractive. Especially since I was already on the fence with you. Thanks for not wasting the next six weeks of my life.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

RIP Phife Dawg

No conversation about 90's hip hop would be complete without mention of A Tribe Called Quest. Founding member, Phife Dawg aka The Five Footer, passed away today from complications caused by diabetes.

#checktherhime on loop. Respect. #RIP

Monday, March 21, 2016


"I'm on a pursuit of happiness and I know
Everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold
I'll be fine once I get it
I'll be good..."

- Kid Cudi

Sunday, March 20, 2016

40: Success!

Good evening, good evening, people! We have finally come to day 40 and I have successfully completed my Lent commitment of blogging for 40 days straight. Of course, there were a couple of days that I was either too busy, too exhausted, or too SOMETHING to post, but I think I was pretty good about pulling doubles the day after. I'm proud of myself. Yall don't even know - there were a couple of nights I had to force myself to pull out this laptop and post and I would post any damn thing just to keep my commitment, but I did it.

Now don't worry - I'm not gonna stop posting just because the 40 days are done, but on those nights I just ain't got it, or don't really have anything to say, then.... well. But I do need to get better at keeping current so I will commit to doing that. Besides, it's spring, I'm out here, and I'm sure there will be a lot to talk about.

Thanks for bearing with me on the slow nights and for the texts and emails on the good ones. Now if you all will excuse me, the foolishness that is Real Housewives of Potomac is on and I need something to roll my eyes at LOL.

I'm out.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

39: The Family Tussin

I've come to the conclusion that my mama thinks I'm the family "tussin" LOL. I'm seriously gonna find me a couple t-shirts online that say that across the front: Tussin. Every time - I mean, EVERY SINGLE TIME - anything happens with this family, she expects me to make calls and have sit-downs. "Talk to your cousin and..." "Just call your sister and...." And now I'm the damn nephew whisperer LOL.

I get that this seems to be kind of my lot in life, but she don't know that LOL. She don't know I have this blog, or that people call me all times of night with the most random situations or run stuff by me in the middle of a run-of-the-mill game of Words With Friends. And I gotta tell ya - I've talked to a lotta people in this family and I really can't say those talks have yielded very many results. At least as far as I can see. If ya ask me, the trick to my effectiveness is NOT being related to the muthafucka on the couch LOL.

But either those talks have an impact and I just don't see it because I'm not there, or she might just be grooming me to take her place as matriarch of this family. Maybe it's a little bit of both.

Damn. That moment something doesn't hit you until you see the words hit the screen.......

Friday, March 18, 2016

38: Gardner Chambers, #RIP

Found out about an hour ago that a childhood friend of mine passed away last night. Not sure how, still waiting for his brother to get back to me, but it's got me kind of messed up. He was just a couple years older than me. He was my upstairs neighbor when I first moved to Rochester and was actually the first boy I ever made out with. We weren't close in our adult life or anything, really just Facebook friends, but this shit is just kinda trippy. People out here dying left and right, man. Left and right. YOUNG. It might intensify once I find out what actually happened, but as it is, it's got me thinking about my own mortality.

What will people remember about me? What do I remember about him? I remember he was mad cool. He was fast as fuck! I can still see his pigeon-toed slave feet running quick as a bitch across the courtyard, racing anybody willing to get dusted. He wasn't much of a looker, I'll admit, but he had such a jovial spirit, a great sense of humor. I took to him immediately. He started out one of my "big brothers" along with his actual brothers who were all really close with my family at the time. In fact, us making out was kind of the beginning of the end. Not long after that, his older brother got locked up for murder - 30 years - and shortly after that, the family moved away. We all reconnected on Facebook a few years ago.


I really want to know how he died. I don't know why it matters, but it kinda does. I think it's crucial to the closure. He's a part of my tapestry and since every thread has an impact, I need to know how this happened. For now, I will simply grieve his exit of this earth and reminisce on the crazy times we had back in the day. I pray peace for his family and his soul.

Rest in heaven, Gardner.


No word still from the brother but I think I know why..... I googled it and found that he and his wife were both killed, an apparent murder-suicide; that he shot her and then himself. They were apparently separated at the time, apparently behind some charges of him having sexually abused one of their children, according to a comment posted on the article.

Wow. Just..... wow.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

37: March Madness

Today was the most ridiculous day ever lol. My boss is gone for 10 days so I already knew there would be shenanigans but my team is just..... again, ridiculous lol.

A couple folks were about 15 minutes late but generally came in around the time they should. How much actual work got done? Just above the level of none lol. At least 30 minutes this morning was spent filling in March Madness brackets, and then by 12:30 we were at the bar with another team whose manager was out. When we came back to the office, it was all jokes for the rest of the afternoon. 3 people actually left AGAIN to go to another bar for about an hour. Tomorrow being Friday, I can only imagine. There are already plans to go out after work. One dude had a rehearsal dinner tonight, so I would be surprised if he came in before 10, if at all.

Big win though - I got my baby her college sweatshirt. Went all the way to NYU to get it, AND it was on sale. FOR THE WIN! Polished off that BEST MOM EVER trophy when I got home. #Undefeated #BOOYAH

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

36: Mom's Home

My mom is home from the hospital today. Had to lightweight threaten her to get to stay in the bed and not be trying to do laundry and all kinda shit she ain't got no business trying to do, but if she knows like I know, she will sit her ass down. Gotta make a trip soon to make sure she's okay. She drives me nuts but I love that woman to pieces and I honestly can't imagine what life will be like without her. I know one day I will have to figure it out but.... she not about to be daylight savings time, robbing me of hours and shit. That said, I recognize she's not in the best health - nothing terminal, but it could very well be the death of her if she doesn't take care of herself. To the best of my ability, I'm gonna make sure her eventual ride outta here ain't no easy win....

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

35: The NCAA can kiss my ass LOL

This little girl tells me on Sunday she needs a college sweatshirt. I know from time to time they have theme days at school so I figured that was what it was for. I'm like cool, go online and find one, we'll order it. She goes online, picks one out and I go to order it. Delivery dates are March 16-23 or something like that, with the expedited shipping being somewhere between the 16th-20th. Okay, so when you need it by? Thursday. *looks at watch* It's Sunday! LOL Why you just now telling me? *shrugs* Well I don't know about nobody else but I'm not paying a grip for expedited shipping with a window. I want a guaranteed "March 16th" or it's not worth it. I pay it, it don't get here til Thursday or Friday, then I'm just the idiot round here banking on FedEx. No ma'am.

So yesterday was a doozy of a day and I really wasn't trying to deal with life at all, so I came straight home. Today I figure, okay, let me go out and try to find this girl a sweatshirt. To put it into perspective, I get off at 5. It's 8:00. I'm JUST getting home. I legit looked fucken everywhere but nobody carried any kind of college shirts. It didn't need to be a sports team but you would think that would be the easiest to find, right? Footlocker, Modell's, somebody? Nope. Most stores only carried brands (Nike, etc). Modell's had team stuff but only professional. Wait, I'm lying; they did have a couple college basketball jerseys..... for $75. Hell to the no. Sorry, not sorry. I guess I have tomorrow to try some other things - maybe I can drop in a BMCC or something and see if they have shirts for sale. Can't hurt to check, but today, I couldn't wait to get in this house. I feel like I walked the whole damn Oregon Trail. Get home, sit down, turn on the TV and what's the first thing I see? NCAA Basketball Tournament.

*staring into the camera*

Turn this gotdamn TV off! LOL

Monday, March 14, 2016

34: Rough Day

Today was trying. Very trying.

My son was home with the flu.

My sister had been in the ER twice in the last week with a 200+ over whatever that day blood pressure.

And my mother has been in the hospital since last night.

I spent all morning on conference calls, dipping to the bathroom with my headset on, to cry in private. It was just a lot. I just spoke to my mom who has been on a morphine drip all day. You can imagine. But she sounds like she is managing. We're going to check in tomorrow.

I just...... sighhhhhhhh..... I cant. Have a good night, everybody.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

33: Sunday Again

Finally sat down with this new phone today and transferred everything over except my pictures. I hadn't backed those up prior and when I got to that, the old phone kept freezing up so ya know.... maybe I'll leave them where they are and just start fresh. I swear when it comes to things you don't want to even think about, for me, it's right up there with moving and cleaning the stove LOL. It's not so much the functionality that gets you, it just takes soooo much time to get everything the way you want it. But I think I have it just about right now.

Have I recovered from my 3 back-to-back nights on the town? Mmmmm...... I guess. I could definitely use another day, especially since we lost an hour last night, but I think I'm okay. I don't think I'll be doing anything else anytime soon though, at least not for the next couple of weeks. I have some other things I want to focus on and since I did my taxes and owe Uncle Sam half a rack, I probably don't need to be spending money unnecessarily. Bastards. I'm so jealous of all the people out there with the $12,000 refunds LOL. But I mean, I have 2 kids and I NEVER got refunds like that even when they were small and I had deductible childcare expenses and what not. I don't understand it. I've owed nominal amounts for the last few years so I expected to owe again but I definitely owe more this year than I ever did. Once your kid turns 17, you no longer get the child tax credit for them so.... yeah. All good though. I prefer to get more in my checks during the year than in a one-time refund. This is just the other side of that coin. Whatever.

Since I didn't do anything else productive this weekend besides take care of my sick 18-year old (who should be nominated for the Academy Award for best performance in a "I'm gon die" drama LOL), I guess I will just lay right back down in this bed and watch these ratchets til I fall out. Hope y'all had a good weekend, I will see ya on the flip side....

Saturday, March 12, 2016

32: Naps are awesome

Saturday naps are sooooo underrated. I don't take many weekend afternoon naps simply because I can never stay sleep for more than ten minutes, but today, I got a good hour and a half and it was soooooo good, and much needed. Prior to that, I had the lobster ravioli that's been chilling in my freezer and OMG, THAT was so good, it's no wonder I ended up passed out a half hour later. If you see them at Sam's Club, do yourself a favor and get some. Sooooo good.

Can't say I was very productive today but I have a whole nother day tomorrow to make up for it, even though we're losing an hour. I just wonder whose idea it was to start daylight's saving time on a Saturday night. Why not on a Friday night so you have another day to make the adjustment before you have to go back to work? I swear people don't think things through.

On another note, out of the woodwork yesterday comes this guy who I know from upstate. Suddenly he's "I'm trying to see what's up" and I'm like why? LOL I really tried not to sound disgusted, because there was a time I really was interested in the guy, but you only got about 5 minutes to act like you got better shit to do before I'm gonna step aside and let you go do it. He hit me up out the blue and said he had just been thinking. I didn't even bother to ask what he had been thinking about because I knew it was some bullshit. I just said okay to his request to get to know me better and then proceeded as if the conversation never happened. I need these dudes to realize I'm a lazy bitch with no fucks to give about their sudden interests that can't be validated. I will exert exactly ZERO energy to their cause. I got a new phone 4 days ago and haven't even bothered to make the transition yet because it's too much work. You think I give a shit about your sudden feelings? Ima need you to take a Saturday afternoon nap and wake up with better shit to do. Please and thank you.

Friday, March 11, 2016

31: I need my bed.....

I just spent the last two hours of my life with Kenny Anderson. I wanted so badly to ask about Tammy Roman but I thought that would be the most basic shit on earth to do LOL. Didn't really care that much about what the story was and honestly, didn't really care that much about Kenny either. He's cool but if I can be frank, a little boring, at least tonight. He came off like he expected people to know who he was and either ask him a bunch of questions or be all groupied out. If you know me, you know I'm too lazy for that shit LOL. There's like 2 people on earth right now I would be star struck about and unfortunately for Kenny, he is not one of them. To his credit, he never came out and asked me anything inappropriate or insinuated that he had any expectation. That said, I was kinda annoyed that he kept touching my hair and calling me sweetie and when my feet hurt on top of that...... nigga LOL. I had to hit a dip on both him and the girl I was there with like yo.... soooooo.... I'm tired. Bye LOL.

The girl I was with was someone I met at the third event I booked myself for this week. It was like a pool (as in billiards) party in Flat Iron and she was on my team. When it ended, we hit a couple other spots in the area and Kenny was at the last one. Whatever to Kenny but the chick was actually pretty cool and we'll probably hang out sometime, but all I could think about when I was leaving there was changing my shoes and hoping there was pizza left at the house when I got home. I was in luck. Microwaved a couple slices, hopped in the shower, now I'm knocking out this blog and looking sooooooo forward to going to sleep. This week has been fun but it has worn my ass out. She talking about painting with wine (or whatever that shit is called) on Sunday but I can't make no promises. I am exhausted. It might be Sunday when I wake up LOL.

But it was definitely a good week and I want to have more weeks like this. Maybe just not 3 days back to back. I need some Epsom salt and hot rocks right now. Ooooh.... there's an idea......

Thursday, March 10, 2016

30: Still painting the town

This whole getting out and doing shit thing ain't bad at all.

Last night I went to a happy hour which was cool. Might have been better if I didn't spend the whole time with this lady talking my head off, but even that wasn't so bad. I just didn't get around to talking to anybody else. When I left there, it was even nicer outside than it was when I got there so I decided to walk from where I was to port authority. Took about 20 minutes or so but it was a really pleasant walk. Warm, I had my Pandora jamming, comfortable shoes, no worries. Only problem was I had gotten a second wind by the time I got home and didn't get to sleep til late. Didn't affect my morning much, so I guess that was all good too.

Tonight I went to my job's bowling party at this really cool place. If there is such a thing as an upscale bowling alley, this is probably it. It's kinda like a club with lanes and other game tables, a restaurant and a couple bars. Really nice spot. We had a really good time too. I even won $100. I may or may not have mentioned before that my team has a gambling habit. They bet on every damn thing. We all agreed to put up $25 and the best score would win the pot. Now I'm no pro bowler by any means, but I'm decent. It really came down to the last couple of frames too. I think I won by like 12 points, so it was close. Drink tickets, free food, good music, it was really a nice time.

Tomorrow is night 3 out and about and I hope that's a good time too. It's kind of a wild card because I had to prepay to attend with no real idea of who else is going to be there. I'm a sport though, we'll see what happens. I know one thing, I'm gonna sleep gooooood this weekend....

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

29: Stupid Shit

Few things are more annoying than when somebody asks me to do something there is no reason they can't do themselves. My mother is the QUEEN of that shit. Today she emailed me at work telling me that my sister was at home today and could I ask her what her shoe and clothes sizes are because she saw some stuff my sister likes and she has to rush the order.

*staring into the camera*

Okay first of all, there is always something wrong with the picture when my mother goes into extra detail. It's like with any liar, addressing concerns before any even come up. That's not to say she's lying, but she's definitely trying to manipulate me; all the extra detail is her tell. Secondly - and this is the part that really gets me - if you have to rush an order (presumably to get it to my sister in time for her birthday) why the fuck are you wasting valuable time emailing me when you can just ask her yourself? I mean, she knows her birthday is next week, and she knows you gonna send her something cause you always do, so it's not like it's gonna be some secret surprise or some shit. You very clearly spoke to her or else you wouldn't know she was at home today, but it made better sense for you to email me and ask me to ask her something you coulda asked her while you had her? Fuck kinda sense does that make?

Needless to say, sorry, no. Can't. I'm at work, I'm working. I'm not about to stop what I'm doing to do your stupid bidding. I mean .... is it me or is that just really silly? I'm still trying to figure out how that made sense to her. It's another thing that annoys me with her; when she gets me to do something, she keeps pushing for more. Stop that shit. For instance, she was talking to me last week about my sister's birthday and how she told her she wanted a Michael Kors bag and how she had also wanted a fat chain and a cross for the longest. She was was basically saying she didn't really know where to find either of them and she also wasn't sure how much it would cost. Well, mama.... I do know how much that would cost and if I leave that with you, my sister will be getting a very nice card and an invitation to order anything she wants out of your Chadwick's catalog LOL. But my sister is a really good person with a really good heart and I wanted her to have what she wanted, so since I was in a position to do it, I offered to get her the bag so my mom could just focus on finding the chain or whatever. Why we even talking about clothes now, I don't know, but just because I offered to help out on that ONE thing, doesn't mean keep asking me to do shit. Her bag is on it's way, she'll have it tomorrow. My part is done, leave me alone. Stop asking me about stupid stuff you can do yourself. All it's gonna do is cause a fight. I'm gonna tell you it's stupid, I'm gonna tell you no - not necessarily in that order LOL - and then you're gonna get an attitude but of course, you'll try to make it my fault cause I'm being "disrespectful" or "selfish" any time you can't get me to do something, and of course my reaction gon be like "aight den" which is just gonna piss you off more, so why even do it? Let's just skip to the end, I'll see you in 6 months LOL.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Said I was gonna make a better effort to be somewhere other than my house all the time and I'm making good on that promise. I have a "thing" every day for the rest of this work week. Tomorrow is kinda unofficial because it might just be a stop through, depending on the crowd, but it counts (a happy hour), then Thursday I have a bowling thing for work and Friday, speed pool (as in billiards), also a function.

Have you heard of this? Well if ya haven't, it's a website where all these groups organize different events and whatever your interests happen to be, there is a group for it. there's singles groups, there's professional networking groups, there's techies, there's book clubs, there's film & arts stuff, there's animal lovers, there is like everything. Anything you're into, is there. There is even one called "I've always wanted to do that.... just not by myself" LOL Tell me they don't have everything LOL. I found this site the year I moved here but I never really looked at it again after the first time I checked it out. The plan was always to circle back but I never did. They send emails from time to time to let you know what's going on in a given week and I pretty much deleted it every time. This week I opened it and decided to browse around. They have some really cool events on there. Like REALLY cool. There's one happening tonight that I wish I had been aware of before today (because I'm not dressed for it) but I'm gonna be on the look out for that one to come back around. Def.

Anyway, this seems to be a really great way for people who are new to an area to meet people or get involved in things. IF you or someone you know is in that situation and doesn't really have a "network" to speak of, I suggest taking a look. It doesn't cost you anything to join the different groups, and some events are multi-group, meaning they are open to everyone, not specific to any group. All the events give you an idea of who the participants generally are too so you dont find your 40 year old ass at something a bunch of college kids are attending. It's the coolest thing I've stumbled across in a long time. Now I just gotta see what these events are like.

But give it a look. If it's not for you, it's probably a good look for somebody you know.

Monday, March 7, 2016


I hate this challenge because I don't always experience things I feel are blogworthy. You signed up for this shit, so you just have to ride it out. That's what you get, dammit....

Sunday, March 6, 2016

26: Good weekend

I've been watching Creed all weekend. No, I mean LITERALLY all weekend. I ordered it on Friday night and whenever I was in this house, I was watching it. Back to back, for the last two days. I would still be watching it now if the rental hadn't expired. I LOVED it. It probably didn't hurt that I'm lightweight in love with both Michael B. Jordan and Sylvester Stallone, but I think it was a really well done movie and the cast was really well put together. See it if you haven't.

I'm so excited it's gonna be 60+ degrees all week! I am so sick of this pop-up winter bullshit, I don't know what to do! This time of year, when the weather starts to shift, is the best time for me. I'm usually feeling my best, my head is clearest and creativity flows thicker than any other time of the year, outside of my year-end reflections. I'm starting a new project that I'm really excited about and I know my priority is supposed to be getting out the stuff I've already written, but this is part of the problem with me. When it hits, I have to run with it, and that leaves other things to sit. I promise it won't be for too long but this one is something I've been wanting to do for a long time. I even started it at one point, years ago, but lost it when I changed jobs (I was writing it on the work laptop and didn't have the foresight to transfer or back it up - lesson learned).

So I've got a thing or two to look forward to..... and now I gotta do my taxes. Ugh.

Saturday, March 5, 2016


The midgets wore me out at the mall today but hey, the boy child is only gonna turn 18 once. I still can't believe it. 18. Hell, I still can't believe I'm 40, but I guess we're both getting up there. Our night ended at Red Lobster so needless to say it's been a good one. I'm full, I'm exhausted, and I'm gonna sleep better than I have since I don't even know when, knowing he had a great day and that I got to share it with him.

Happy birthday, baby boy!

Friday, March 4, 2016

24: Nothingness

Nothing exciting to discuss today.... but Creed was good. *shrugs*

Thursday, March 3, 2016

23: Butter, Baby!

Today was great.

First week of every month we do a team breakfast but today it was changed to a team lunch. Somebody had the amazing inspiration to suggest Red Lobster and of course, I'm ALL the way in. As luck would have it, my boss, who has only been in America since July, had never been, so this was not just going to be lunch. This was going to be an EXPERIENCE. And it's Lobsterfest? WHAT?

Every single one of us, except the weirdo I was talking about earlier this week, went in. Weirdo got a soup and salad. Who goes to Red Lobster and orders soup and salad? That guy, that's who. But whatever. It was delicious. We all expected to spend the rest of the afternoon in a food coma but surprisingly, we got a lotta shit done. Red Lobster is the grace of God.... dipped in a Saturday afternoon nap.... and wrapped in a Nordstrom sale LOL. People who hate on it, go back to the emptiness of your soulless lives and let the rest of us bask in our butter LOL

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

22: Growing Pains

Nothing is so heartbreaking as when you buy a pair of Italian leather boots and they don't fit you quite the way you want them to and have to give them to your 14 year old daughter. She put them on and they looked hella cute but it was clear she could not walk in them joints outside the house at 6 seconds a pace LOL. The upside is she is going into high school in September and would eventually be able to break them in after a little practice but the thought alone is enough to drive you to drink.... as if I needed any additional motivation LOL. Her in those boots made me think of how much time had gone by and how beautiful of a young lady she has become.... I'm gonna be in jail before she's a junior.

I shoulda just returned them shits.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

21: Life Lessons

The moment someone who knows me in one dimension meets me in another is always so fascinating to me. Especially someone who already thinks I'm great in that one dimension, which isn't hard for a young woman of 23. Will she take the advice I offered her tonight? I think she will try. ... but in the end, her 23-year old self will win out and she'll go with her impulses. And I'm almost glad she will because lessons are best learned first-hand.

Good luck, young'n.