Thursday, February 25, 2016

16: #TBT

Who knew it could get any worse? LOL

Actually, Facebook is a hot ass mess but Myspace was like.... every bad thing you could imagine about the internet all rolled into one. It's the place most people learned their web lessons, for better or for worse. I caught a bad one myself on that joint but I cut my teeth in a little place called Blackplanet LOL (if you don't know bout BP, chile.... but that's for another day).

I thought Myspace was defunct but apparently it's now mainly for artists to showcase their work. I took a peak a few months back and found that my page is still there and a lot of my connections are too, but most of the page info is gone. I think the pics were still there though. I need to take another stroll and see. I do know the old messages are gone. But that's probably a good thing. I was a mess and so was everybody in my inbox LMAO!

Woo! Now I gotta lay back and reminisce on how much I've grown LOL.....smh.

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