Sunday, May 4, 2014

Your Move

Good morning.

Today's plan includes brunch with the midgets followed by a matinee of The Amazing Spiderman 2 but as with most Sundays, my morning began with a new episode of Your Move with Andy Stanley. Now for those of you not familiar with this series, Andy Stanley is a new age pastor who relays spiritual teaching without preaching. His message is delivered in more of a seminar fashion than a sermon and he talks to you as if you've never been in church before, which is great because he acknowledges everyone in the viewing audience, whether you are a Christian or not. He does reference the bible, of course, but its an "ordinary people" type of teaching, almost like a therapy session, honestly. Maybe that's why I like him LOL.

Andy's messages are often in 3-part series', most likely because he's only got a 30-minute platform. I missed Part 1 of "You'll Be Glad You Did" but I'll be watching it online momentarily. Part 2 was really funny, but more importantly, fed me just what I needed this morning. I had been doing pretty well in my most recent efforts to get my life but admittedly, I've fallen off over the last couple of weeks in some aspects - one in particular that I'm really peeved about - but I think I've gotten a proper kick in the ass this morning LOL.

If you have a hard time getting your butt in a pew on Sunday, or you shy away from organized services over whatever hang-ups you might have about it, at least do yourself the courtesy of giving this guy a shot. He comes on the UP network at 8 and 8:30. The 8:30 show is usually the new episode and the earlier one is a re-air of the previous one. There might actually be one at 7:30 also, but I'm not sure. You can also watch the videos on the Your Move Facebook page or at their website:

You're welcome.

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