Monday, September 24, 2012

So how was your weekend?

If I told you how my weekend was, you probably wouldn’t believe me. Some of the shit that was said and done is just too much for TV, let alone real life, but I promise you – you cannot make this stuff up. VH1 would have paid a pretty penny for the footage….if there was any. I will say this: it started out as the best time I’ve had in quite a while. It went to shit when someone forgot one of Dig’s cardinal rules of social gatherings: if you can’t hold your liquor, learn to hold your tongue. Weeks…. Hell, MONTHS of groundwork blown to smithereens in a matter of hours, by the very one who laid it. The trouble with self-sabotage is that you never go down in flames by yourself. You always take at least one other person with you. The worst of these scenarios is public and without warning, but that is the true test of character; composure when no one would blame you for catching a case. The only thing worse than realizing you were wrong about a person is finding that you were right about them, and in all the worst ways, at the worst possible time. The blessing is in having discovered it early enough that the damage is minimal and more about your ego than your emotions. Shit happens. Charge it to the game and move on.

1 comment:

  1. Pardon the lack of paragraphing LOL. Blame the new backend layout.


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