Thursday, October 13, 2011
****Oh I forgot: Very interesting responses to my "wrongful termination" question (thanks!). I posted it on my FB and got some interesting responses there too. I am pondering a new book that includes such an event and just wanted to see how people felt about it in general.
Still doing well in my Human Development class. The online environment is a little tricky though at first. It took me 4 weeks to work out the timing (Im in week 5).
Im wearing my hair longer than I have in years so I keep thinking something is crawling on me LOL. Its starting to make me look crazy, so if you see me on the street, appearing to have a nervous condition, pretend not to notice LOL.
Im stuck on 11 pounds of weight loss. Im sure water retention has a lot to do with it, so maybe I will have a true gauge after next week, but I gotta tell ya: bloat and all, I slid into these jeans I bought about four months ago or so that I was never able to wear (cause my lazy ass didnt try em on in the store and they ended up being too small) and that was the best feeling ever in life! I remember fighting with them, then feeling woozy when I finally did get em buttoned and having to hurry up and unbutton em again to keep from passing out LOL. Yesterday, them bad boys just slid right on. No fighting with the button, and no dizziness, LOL. I call that a #win.
I start work next week, so Im supposed to stop smoking as of next Saturday. Pray for me cause iono.... LOL.
And lastly, it seems that my landlord has been visited by an Angel of the Lord. He took a couple days to ponder the one email I sent in response to his concerns, but he hit me back tonight to say that we are all good and a huge weight lifted right off my shoulders. So much so that I almost felt lightheaded. I gotta have the best poker face this side of creation, but I cannot tell a lie - I was starting to get a little nervous.
Thank You, Jesus.
With everything thats been happening over the last two months or so, you might wonder why I didnt lead with this news. Well.... I guess because Im tired of not having normal, regular, good stuff to talk about. Im happy. Im getting healthy. Im enjoying my existence on this planet and for once (since this mess began) I just wanted to focus on THAT.
But alas, yes. I do believe I can finally say that the storm clouds are blowing away and the sun is sliding back into its rightful place in the sky of my world. I thought I'd have another rant for yall when this happened - some other "Im a survivor" shit, standing on people's furniture and screaming off my balcony, but you know.... what I feel is just a real serene...... calm. I dont wanna yell or scream or rant or cry or any of that. I just wanna .... I guess..... be.
"I dont mean to portray the road as having been easy, it surely has not. I have just grown to know that the trials and tribulations of life can only break you if you let them."
-Doctor Dig
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