So lets talk about karma. I wonder how many of you believe in it and how many don’t… I always kind of took for granted that everybody did – to some extent. I mean, who doesnt believe in karma, right?
Well I was talking to one of my friends today and lo and behold: he does not believe in karma! Word? I said ok, so what do you believe then? He said he believes that we all make our own destiny, we choose our own paths, and nothing comes back to us. (Well wouldn’t that be nice? LOL ) He said, “It’s a matter of how you look at things: you add up the goods and the bads – are they supposed to even out? Says who? Just because I kill a snail, does that mean tomorrow something bad is gonna happen to me? No. I deal with everything individually and make no connections unless they are a direct result of something.”
Ok. I can dig it, but I went on to explain the concept of universal law – that everything is connected – a big ass circle of life – energy you put out, comes back around to you. Yin and yang. The balance of things. All that good stuff. He got it. He just didn’t subscribe to it. He feels like you do what you do and it might cause you to be of fucked up character, but unless its direct cause and effect, aint no force of negativity gonna come back on you for it. You neglect to change your oil, your engine might fry. But your engine isn’t frying because you bought a flip phone LOL…. or because you broke some 13 yr old girl’s heart twenty years ago…. Or because you sent some poor, unsuspecting friend of yours to get her eyebrows waxed, knowing full well it was gonna hurt like bloody hell ………… *snarl*………… LOL. Any occurrence is simply a direct result of whatever preceded it, not some boomerang of energy you’ve thrown out into the world, eventually making its way back to you. He also said his line of thinking helps him deal with his personal situations because he sees them all as separate issues, not some long, interrelated chain of negative events. Ok. I can get with that.
We chopped it up for a few minutes about it, and while I still believe in karma, I have to admit, a pretty good case can be made for there being no such thing. For instance, how legitimate can karma be when it allows the victim to place degrees on their wrongdoing? Take for example that man you stopped sleeping with when he got married on you…. why was it okay when she was just his girl? LOL Either way you were wrong, and shouldn’t have been doing what you were doing, but you mitigated the girlfriend situation because, hey, “she aint shit, he only wit her cause of the baby anyway ‘ LOL, but them vows changed thangs huh? Marriage increased the degree of wrongdoing, for which you would fully expect to reap consequences for. Why is that? I’d offer the element of God as the obvious differential here, LOL, but think of how many other situations, not related to God, shouldn’t be looked at separately and are. For instance, ok, she’s got a man and in your mind, the difference is whether you know him or not LOL. Don’t front, homeboy, you know you think like that LOL. What part of the game is that? I tell you what part of the game it is – GUILT.
I think people do use karma that way. I think sometimes people cant quite get past something that they have done, where they don’t necessarily feel like they made the right decision, or the result of a likely good decision were less than desirable. Because you cant get past it – feeling guilty – you connect something bad happening to you with that incident. You convince yourself that this is happening as payback for what you did two weeks ago…. Or eight months ago….. or in eleventh grade LOL. I definitely think that there are people who do that.
But by and large, I feel like karma doesn’t need your approval. It doesn’t need your understanding, and it damn sure doesn’t need your assistance. I believe that whether you subscribe to it or not, you will fall victim to it at some point or another. Whether you call it by its name, or whether you are arrogant enough to believe that everything you face is of your own deliberate creation, you will reap what you sow. That’s just the way it goes. Don’t be mad at me – I just work here LOL.
Monday, March 14, 2011
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