Thursday, January 13, 2011

So Sick

I am soooooooooo sick right now.

So I spent the last few days with the worst head cold known to man. Also had to go to DC, but I ended up coming right back the next day, due to an impending snow storm up the east coast which threatened to have me snowed in down there. Came back and realized that in the midst of it all, I had forgotten to submit my timesheet.


So I submitted it yesterday morning, but by this afternoon, still had not received the email confirmation that everything was all set. So I call payroll and they tell me that to ensure a Friday payout, I need to have my timesheet in by noon on that Tuesday. Furthermore, my boss had not yet approved the late timesheet, so there was no way I was going to get paid tomorrow, and the soonest it would happen was Tuesday, because Monday is a holiday.


Mind you, I have no one to blame but myself for forgetting, but Im supposed to go pick my babies up this weekend. The hotel isnt a big deal - I can stay with my girl - but I dont even have enough in my account right now to even GET there. It would cover the cost of the rental, but not the additional charge they hold for incidentals. WTF am I supposed to do????

Well, I did the only thing I could do: called in a couple markers. I have a couple of people saying they might be able to throw something my way, but "might" aint making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. All I can do is hope they come through and that I will still be able to go upstate and get the kids, as well as pay for their small going away party I had planned. I was so frazzled, I ended up leaving work early. Now Im just sitting here brooding, wanting to kick my own ass, and wishing this drink was just a little bit stronger.

Matter of fact, Ima go handle that....

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