Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Midweek Summary

Sorry folks. I have been meaning to come in here all week, but its been kind of hectic. My boss was in town yesterday, so I finally put in notice at the job, I've been making relocation plans and trying to get everything together for my going away barbecue this weekend. There's just not enough time in a day.

I wanted to come in here on Monday and vent about this stupid ass IT guy I had the misfortune of getting, when I called tech support about a printer issue, but never got a chance. I just love when someone thinks you are supposed to know shit they are paid to know. What, so now I gotta get your degree too so I can help you help me? LOL

"Well what print server are you on?"

"Im not sure, where would I find that?"

"Well I cant tell you where to find it, you dont have any printers."


"I know, thats why Im calling."

"Well maybe your boss knows."

"My boss doesnt work in this office."

"Well he still might know."


"My boss, who works in another city, might know? Really? Well let me assure you, my boss doesnt know. But yours might. Can I talk to him please?"

LOL fucken idiot.

There was something else I wanted to blog about too, but I forgot what. I do know my damn mama was emailing me all day about my move, and wouldnt you know it: she was making the whole thing about her, as usual. What she wants, what she hopes and "you know how sensitive I am" and promise her this or that. I aint promising you shit and Im rather insulted that youre even posing these situations, as if Im going to get into, let alone STAY in, a situation that Im uncomfortable with, as it relates to myself, let alone my kids. Go find something to do. I got enough stress on me right now, I dont need this shit.

Then to make matters worse, my DJ for Saturday bailed on me today. Something about a family emergency that is gonna take him out of town on Friday. *smh* I dont think he would lie to me about it, but damn, last minute much? All good, we gon work it out.

I have a lot on the brain, so you may actually get something worthy tonight, but it will depend on my level of laziness LOL. So You Think You Can Dance had its finale last week so Im gonna be depressed about my TV lineup options until about 10pm when Psych comes on LOL. Maybe I'll drink til then - something's bound to turn up LOL

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