Ok so last night one of my girlfriends came over. She had been talking to me about the problems in her marriage, and I havent really been advising, just listening to her and stuff. I aint really a fan of telling somebody what they should do in their relationship, unless the relationship is abusive in some way, or otherwise a danger to a person's well-being. You never know if a person is telling you the whole story, first of all, and second of all, you dont wanna be in the eye of the storm. Having somebody's significant other believing you are the reason their mate left em is not whats hot in the streets LOL. But I think she was just feeling me out at first, telling me about trivial things. Now every time she comes to me, the issue gets a little bit deeper.
So she came over and started talking some more about the issues between her and her husband. He's very Leo in his control freakishness (LOL) resulting in my girl not really getting out much, so I made a joke about how he was gonna call any minute like "baby, where you at? what time you coming home?" No sooner than I had said it, didnt this fool call her, going "baby where you at? what time you coming home?" LOL *smh*
She talked to him about three times, because one of their phones kept dropping the call, and when she finally hung up with him, she looked at me like
see? But I already knew how he rolled. I had one of them control freak Leos once upon a time. Wasnt no happily ever after goin down, thats for sure LOL.
So we continue talking, and eventually, one of my other girlfriends comes by. We're all talking and watching this show, and her phone rings again. Its the husband. He still tryna verify where she is, even though I know he hears me and my other girlfriend talking in the background. Then my friend goes "well look at the GPS thing and you can see where Im at.... *pause*.....Im two houses down from there (his best friend's house)....*pause*..... well if you do you will see my car in the driveway...... goodness, ok" So by now both my other friend and I are looking at her like ok now what the hell is really goin on? She made an annoyed joke, but didnt really "say" anything about it, like she just didnt wanna even get into it.
Twenty minutes later, the show went off and she's like "ok, let me get on outta here, I might come back through tomorrow though." I say ok and my friend and I both walk her to the door. First thing I notice when I open it is some big ass Hummer that has her blocked in..... in MY driveway LOL. So Im bout to spaz out right about now,
"who the fuck put this big ass shit in my driveway?" LOL But then my girl goes "no, girl, that's him" Im like "him who? _____?" She like "yeah, he right there." I move a couple steps to the right and see her husband leaned up against her truck, with a red plastic cup in one hand and a Black and Mild in the other LOL. Its like 9:30 at night, so I didnt even see his black ass out there in the dark, but me and my other girl just looked at each other:
*staring into the camera*
Wait though - let's ignore the fact that he activated GPS on her phone LOL. Did this nicca really just post up outside my house, and wait for her to come outside? Did this fool really just block her in my driveway, so if she really was there seeing some dude, she'd be stuck? Really though? No, for real, like.... REALLY? LOL
Now for a minute there, I was thinking that there is something really hysterical about this. But the more I thought about it, the more I felt like its not hysteria at all - its uneasiness. Shit like that does not sit right with me. It's so fucken "crazy" that it makes you do that uncomfortable laughing, like
I cant believe this muthafucka just did that. I cant help but wonder, did he really come over here because he didnt believe she was where she said she was, or was it just another control tactic, tryna posture and let her know he can do this type of madman shit? Either way, it aint cute.
My once-upon-a-time Leo woulda did some shit just like that. He waited til we wasnt together no more to start doing it, either tryna figure out who was keeping me from getting back with him, or in an effort to let me know he could make my life hell. Probably a little of both. He stalked me, off and on, for about two years, until I decided that I had had enough and was not going to allow him to have that type of control over my life. It was then that I realized that crazy only responds to crazy LOL.
I havent spoken to my girl yet, but I can only imagine what is going through her mind about the situation. She is sooooo sweet and meek and all the sugar and spice things little girls were always supposed to be made of that she aint got a chance with this man. He is going to eat her ass alive, and I have a feeling that he's been taking little bites out of her for a while now. She played it off as a joke last night like "he so stupid" and he retorted with a jokey type "get yo ass home" but there was a little undertone to it like "Im joking, but Im not". So now Im gonna have to REALLY talk to her - or get her to talk to me, rather - and see WTF is going on there. Cause its deeper than the piddly things she's so far mentioned to me, but then again, when somebody comes to me for this kind of advice, it usually is...