Saturday, March 13, 2010


Im on the late bus, yet again, I know. Finally sat down and watched the movie "Precious" for the first time and..... I didnt really like it. I know I am gonna get a lotta flack for saying it out loud, but.... Im sorry, it just really didnt cut it for me.

Dont get me wrong - there were some moments that got me. The scene with Monique at the social worker's office with Precious was BANANAS! The fight scene that caused Precious to finally leave home - BANANAS! But aside from that, it just didnt really grab me. And Im disappointed. I wanted to like it so bad. I had my kleenex ready, totally prepared to burst into tears somewhere, but it never happened. I was told by I dont even know how many people that it was so depressing and so emotional, but after watching it, I kinda feel robbed.

Yes, it is fucked up what Precious had to deal with, but I dont feel like the makers of the movie really captured it to the depth that book did. To be perfectly honest, I felt a little left to be desired from the book too, but it was definitely better than the movie, in terms of painting the picture for you. Frankly, Monique was really the ONLY riveting thing about the movie. Did she deserve the Oscar? Well, I guess I will have to see the other contenders in that category to make that determination.

I feel like hot garbage saying I didnt like this movie, but in all fairness, as a writer, Im a tough room. I am very critical of movies. Even if the acting is great (and sorry, it really wasnt in this movie) the writing will make or break it for me and my apologies to the academy, but I just was not impressed.

*enter hate mail*

Oh well.

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