Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Reality TV Fckry

Ok real quick...

Did yall catch the For The Love of Ray J reunion show last night? WTF was that??? LOL

Let me tell yall some things I didnt quite understand LOL.

1. Luscious, how you gonna throw a fit about Ray J's friends chanting "Luscious! She smashed the homeys!" to the point that you elect to leave the show, then turn around on the reunion show and brag about it, dragging the other two in your crew under the bus with you, like that's hot?

2. Who the hell was the lady who was hosting???

3. Cocktail.....*sigh*

Ok, some of my friends came to the conclusion that the whole disaster at the end was staged, because Ray J didnt wanna stay with Mz Berry, but he didnt wanna hurt her, or thought such a scene would cause her to just back out on her own. I weighed that out and I dont buy it. One, Mz Berry is so needy and insecure that I honestly believe she would still want to be with you after that incident. She would have herself convinced that it's all a part of standing by her man. Two, there were 100 other ways to stage something that would achieve that result without crushing EVERYBODY'S image and making his own self look like a douche. I mean, lets not pretend Ray J was EVER "the man" but he at least seemed to embrace his bullshit, and he did come off likable. That's all down the drain now. If there is a Ray J 3 after this catastrophe..... *smh*

I dont find it that unbelievable for Cocktail to show up without his knowledge - he dont run a damn thing about that show. If she was willing to come on, VH1 was all about it LOL. RATINGS, RATINGS, RATINGS. Plus, what she did ended up blowing up her own spot too. Ray J put all her business on front street. I dont know about her, or any of yall, but Im not cool enough with NOBODY to make myself look like an ass on national TV just so they can get outta dating somebody, when nobody on earth expects it to last anyway. I think Cocktail was still salty that he did a second season, because she claims to have loved him so much and thought she was the one.


Staged? Nah, I dont buy it. But Ray J is officially a herb now. He cant ever in life talk about having a strong pimp hand, cause he might have some ho's but he cant keep em in check LOL. Newsflash, Ray J: groupies are just ho's with a celebrity preference LOL. Having a stable of em does not make you a player LOL. You have officially solidified your place as never being anything more than "Brandy's brother" LOL.

You can go sit down now.

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