Monday, June 10, 2019

Medium Rare

There's a post in me, but it's not quite ready.

I've been in here 4 or 5 times over the last few weeks, but each time, a line or two was all I could muster, hence the meme-ing. Experience tells me I can't write about it because it's not done with me - this.... thing, or process, or whatever it is. It's not done. I'm not going to rush it - odds are, I couldn't if I wanted to - but transitions are hard. Especially for a Cap like me who needs things like certainty and structure - neither of which there is very much of in my life right now. But I've seen this movie a time or two, so I know regardless of what I've had to suffer through, or what I may still have to suffer through before it's all over, I know I'll come out the other end better for it.
