Tuesday, August 21, 2018

R.I.Please Stop It

I hate social media death announcements. First of all, I'll never understand how people lose somebody close to them and the first thing they wanna do is run to social media and tell everybody. Bitch, we barely know YOU, who the fuck is Pop-Pop? LOL Most of us feel uncomfortable even reacting to a stat like that so we just scroll on by. I know I do, anyway. If I ain't know the person or have a sense of your relationship with the person prior, I ain't going nowhere near it. Cause too many of yall just being melodramatic for attention. You won't use me for no sympathy points.

And then you got those ones with the nerve to be hollerin about you can't believe this has happened. I'm confused. You chronicled the whole 17 weeks Pop-Pop was in the hospital, fucken DYING. Going live, even LOL. Like.... wasn't that the purpose of all that? To prepare us for your impending fucken meltdown, because this nigga DYING? So how are you blindsided when he actually does? And not for nothing, Pop-Pop was 300 years old. No matter how the fuck he died, he was not taken suddenly by any means LOL

Oh and please don't get me started on the phony homies, speaking of melodrama. Hood star gets killed over the weekend and now everybody was so close to him. Everybody was his cousin. Everybody so hurt. He was everybody's Baby. Show me one post since you joined Facebook that had anything to do with this person. Show me one picture they're in, a tag - anything. No, take your time, I'll wait.

Everybody wanna be associated so bad with the legacy. Why? He's DEAD. He was clearly not the one you want to be associated with. What is wrong with people???