Sunday, September 27, 2015


I'm gonna take this one slowly because.... I guess I'm still working through it.

Got a call today from my [paternal] sister, calling to tell me our father wasn't doing well. Apparently my cousin - the one who had been working on my forgiveness of my father for years - had called her to let her know he was in the hospital and things weren't looking good. My sister, in turn, called me. She hasn't spoken to or seen him in 20 years herself and probably has more hostility toward him than I did (I digress) but she has decided to drive down to Detroit to see him just so she wouldn't have any regrets should this be his last round. She thought I might want to do the same.

I do.... but..... (sigh)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Check Your Circle

This is my circle. 6 degrees between us (2 of them masters - holla!), and every single one of us is literally a boss and have all - EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US - been promoted in 2015. We fight for and with each other. We tell the brutal truth, even when it doesn't want to be heard. Most importantly, we build each other up rather than look for opportunities to tear each other down. We all play different positions with each other but I would be 100% comfortable calling any one of them if ever my world should fall apart without fear that my vulnerability will be used against me. Sometimes you have to stop and take inventory. Look around you and assess where you are in life and how you got there. Whether you are making moves or not, the people in your circle have everything to do with it. Check yours. #4Quarters #Not100Pennies #CashmereMafia