Monday, September 30, 2013

Lazy spirit, be gone!

I remember, when I was younger, hearing older people - women - talking about spirits and people having a _______ spirit in them or in their homes when shit was going on and thinking WTF are you talking about? Why everything gotta be about a spirit? Them bitches just _______, that's it LOL. But I'll be damned if I don't subscribe to that shit now as an adult.

I think the first time I realized it was a year or two before I relocated. I just had this.... laziness to me every time I walked through the door. I'd be at work thinking about all the stuff I was gonna do when I got home and just an hour later when I arrived, I'd put everything down, take everything off, shower and that would be all she wrote. I'd sit my ass on that far right couch cushion and barely get up again until it was time to go to bed. We ordered more takeout in that period than probably ever cause I just was not trying to cook. It got to the point that I started to get mad about it. I'd look around and see shit that needed to be done or get upset with the midgets microwaving shit for the fourth night in a row, but could not motivate myself to tend to it. Watching TV, I'd go "okay, Ima get up on the next commercial."

Um..... yeah. Never happened.

Then one night I was so annoyed by it, I wanted to cry. I just could not understand why I wasn't able to function. Lost for another course of action, I just incorporated it into my prayers. Lord, I don't know what this is that's in me or in this house, some lazy spirit sucking up my motivation or whatever, but please take it away. "I rebuke this lazy spirit in the name of Jesus" - I think I'd heard that somewhere before LOL. Lo and behold, a couple of days later, I was cleaning and cooking and everything else. Since then I've had to pray off a couple different spirits - the cursing spirit, the lusting spirit, the damn liquor spirit... anything I felt was consuming me and taking me to a point where I felt I couldn't control it, I prayed it off. This is all coming back to me now because that lazy spirit reappeared in recent months and I got my life together this past weekend. That shit will make you feel like you're depressed but if you take note of how you feel and think at different points of the day, when you're in different places, you'll be able to pinpoint when it sets in. Now everybody has those days or weeks when they get home and they just cant do it. That's natural. But when its every day over an extended period of time - weeks, months - there may be another explanation. Even if its not a spirit, when has prayer every hurt a situation? Never that I know of. The way I see it, you don't have anything to lose. After all, if you ask that it be banished in the name of Jesus, it HAS to leave - or so I am told. Hey, it's worked for me...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


[A share from a Facebook friend]

Each time a man connects with a woman sexually and releases his life form energy within her, he leaves a part of his information (DNA) in her birth canal. If she doesn't clean herself, his energy remain inside of her. That imprint can often create illusional sexual addiction to the individual.

When some 1 decide to have multiple partners, it can sometimes send mixed emotional signals within the inside of the body's vibration system. Women must be careful of different energies or spiritual forces polluting their internal temple. You are a sacred doorway, where life is intended to pass through, respect yourself, use your gifts wisely!

Just think about it and ask yourself... Ever wonder why they call it sexual intercourse (INTER-Course)? It's an inter(nal) course that unites man and woman, mind with mind, spirit with spirit, or energy with energy. This is something that a condom can't protect you against because energy is behind the elements of all flesh.

There is no such thing as "Casual" Sex or "Friends with Benefits"... No, No, No, I Don't Think So!!! Intimate activity intricately entwines the energies between two people. Sex creates a powerful exchange of energy between those involved. These connections, imprints and debris are left upon the mind, soul and spirit for a long time because they are not easily purged or cleansed.

‘Casual sex’ with multiple partners can intertwine the energies and spirits of a lot of people into your own aura if they are not severed and cleansed. You become joined to every person with whom your partner has slept, as well as all the partners those people had.

This type of "soul clutter" can be felt by your partner's subconscious. Even if they are not completely in tune or aware of the extra-curricular sexual activities, they still are able to sense the subtle disturbances of multiple energies and/or familiar spirits that have entered causing restlessness and inner turmoil.

The longer and more intimate the contact with another person, the more powerful the reinforcement and the interaction of the bond becomes, and all the more difficult it is for them to untangle and leave.

Soul stains, transference of odors, perceptive connections and even mutually formed habits are now left to burden the psyche long after that relationship has ended.


Now where have we heard this before....? LOL #IJS

Monday, September 23, 2013

You are your only competition

The problem with social media is that it can cause us to be entirely too wrapped up in other people's lives. It can be good if what you see motivates you to do something more than what you've been doing... realize your own potential.... but it can be bad if you see something you feel is lacking in your own life and it can make you depressed or over-analytical of your existence. Look, life is not a competition. Your circumstances are your circumstances. Somebody else's situation is somebody else's situation and many times its nothing like what you perceive it to be. You are just on the outside looking in and you are only looking at what they want you to see.

The most important thing to realize about social media is that people you don't know on a personal level can paint whatever picture they want of themselves and you would be none the wiser if its a total fabrication. Don't live your life based on the lives you THINK other people are living. Do what makes you happy. Achieve your own goals and be your best YOU. Don't compare yourself to other people because many of those people aren't even real - literally and figuratively. Be happy for those who are making strides you know to be true but don't let those things make you feel unworthy either. If anything, let those things incent you to make some strides of your own. If you don't know what you want to do, take some time to figure it out. How can you achieve happiness if you don't know what happiness looks like for you? You have to take the time to think about it and you have to do some things differently if you want to achieve different results. It seems so simple, right? So then... why haven't you figured that out? My guess is because you spend too much time watching other people's updates and getting sucked into the fallacy. Even if its all real, what does it have to do with YOU? Not much, probably. Nothing, I'd guess. Just remember that life is not a competition and if it were, you would be your only rival. Your journey is your own and where you wind up is of your own determination. You can do anything you set your mind to. It sounds cliché but its one of life's few and great truths. If you don't see it for yourself, how can you achieve it? Go. Be great. And if you cant be great, be consistent LOL.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Longest Day Ever

Got up at 4am to get ready for a 4:45 pickup for transport to the airport for a 6:29 flight. Landed just before 9:30, was transported to the hotel and been working like Miley Cyrus's PR team ever damn since. I am exhausted. The flight was cool, except for the fact that the flight attendant spilled water all over me while I was sleeping. She was trying to open a new bottle of water and was holding it too tight at the time, so water went all over the side of my face, down my neck and down my arm. I aint talking about a little splash either, Im talking about it felt like I had been hit with a water balloon. I wanted to fuck her ass up LOL. Not just because she spilled water all over me but because she sounded like she only said she was sorry because everybody looking expectantly at her ass indicted that she was supposed to. Like 15 seconds went by and all I had gotten was a weak ass "sorry" so Im like "well damn, can I get some napkins?" "Oh... yeah, sure." Really? I had to ask for fucken napkins? SMH.... Then I kept getting hit in the head by the same sloppy ass flight attendant, clumping up and down the aisle. You do this every day, why aint you figured this shit out yet? One of the many reasons I hate aisle seats.

I also had the displeasure today of telling my mother that one of her dearest friends had passed away. If you've been on my Facebook any time in the last few weeks, you'd have seen this guy all over it, talking hella shit to me about any and everything I might have posted simply cause dude always had jokes. And he never let up either. There were plenty of times we would go back and forth and I'd eventually be like "Okay, Ron, you got it" just cause I knew he would never stop LOL. I think Thursday was the last time he, I and my mother had been on my thread, joking around. Saturday night he was dead. I found out last night from my sister who is close to a relative of his but she had no idea what had happened at the time and I didn't want to tell my mother without knowing how he died. My sister followed up with me today, letting me know that it was a massive heart attack, and I carried out the unpleasant duty of breaking the news to my mom. I wasn't cautious, I didn't stall or lend myself to pregnant pauses; all that drama don't make bad news any less bad. My mom lost it. Im talking bout for five whole minutes after I heard her drop the phone, I could still hear her screaming and crying and hitting stuff. I knew she would react that way but sitting through it tore me up inside. Nobody else wanted to tell her and though I didnt want to either, I didnt think anyone else should, and I surely didnt want her to just stumble across it on Facebook. She eventually got back on the phone and said she would call me back after she got herself together. 3 and a half hours later, she sounded okay. We recounted some memories and had a couple laughs until I was comfortable letting her go.

So a long day, indeed it has been. After all that, I came back up to my room (I had just been upgraded to one of my own after originally being told I would have to room up with one of my teammates) washed the day off, changed into my sweats and sat our front of the hotel. As ugly a day as it has been (cold, rainy, irritating and agonizing) it was such a beautiful night. Not even just regular beautiful but the kinda beautiful that makes you not wanna go back inside. I eventually had to cause I have a 6 am start tomorrow, but Lord knows I coulda sat out there all night. In perspective, I think the Lord was paying attention to all I had to go through today so he made a way for me to find some comfort at the end of it, despite everything. I'm thankful that that's the way He works.

RIP to our friend Ron DeBose.