** late-posted this morning due to technical difficulties **
Cold as shit outside but me and the midgets had a great time at the Knicks game. The game itself was shit but baby girl was excited to see Carmelo Anthony. Apparently she knew he played for the Knicks but didnt think he would be there.
*staring into the camera*
My son spent the whole time trying to find famous people and he had me straining my damn eyes trying to help him. Im sure there were tons of famous people in there who we just didnt know, but by the end of the night we had Michael J Fox, Mayor Bloomberg, Robert Dinero, Steve Schirripa (Bobby Baccalieri on the Sopranos), Malcolm Jamal Warner, Jaleel White, Grandmaster Dee (the green-eyed DJ from Whodini who, incidently, almost knocked me over when we first got there. I admit, I was a little stuck when I realized it was him so I managed a little smile, but I still rolled my eyes LOL).
Then halfway through the night, I realized that the somewhat loud and comical guy 2 rows in front of us looked very familiar, but I couldnt put my finger on it. The couple sitting next to us was trying to figure it out too, but they thought he might be a comedian. Nah. Not a comedian. I THINK he's.... MILK! OMG!
I had my son googling Audio Two for 10 minutes, trying to find pictures that were good enough to compare and then finally I decided to just ask the woman in front of me since she had been talking to him all night. I said, "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you, but do you know that man?" She said yes. "We've all been racking our brains, trying to figure out why he looks so familiar. Can you tell me his name?" She said very matter-of-factly, "Milk D!"
I KNEW it! Oh yes, I was very proud of myself LOL. I dont do the groupie thing - in fact, it annoys me very much - but something about being in the presence of hip hop history does something to you... well, to me. I felt ... kinda awesome. And inspired. If it wasnt so late, I'd probably be youtubing the entire friggin 80s right now LOL.
I decided to let him enjoy the game and waited until it was over to ask if I could take a picture with him. He said, "Sure." So I climbed over the seats, dress and all (thank God for leggings) and took this picture. He was very sweet, said it was nice to meet me and gave me a hug. When we were leaving, he asked "Brooklyn?" I said "The Bronx." He said, "Even better!" Guess he was happy somebody outside Crown Heights was showing love. I see where he was going with that.... but only place WE were going was to the train and I couldnt wait to get on it cause I went there straight from work and was freezing and exhausted. Ended up taking a cab from the Jersey-side terminal because the buses run super slow after a certain time of night and it was too cold to be waiting around. Plus the kids have school tomorrow, I have work and we still had some things to do at home before we could crash.
All in all, still worth the long day, although next time, we'll try to go to a weekend afternoon game. I still and always will hate the Knicks but its clearly an awesome opportunity to people watch, so yeah, we'll hit a few more before the season's done. Yall should come! LOL