Saturday, October 1, 2016

Summer '16

I mean.....if Drake can take the summer off...... *shrugs*

Definitely have had a lot going on. I needed to take a step back, not just from this blog, but from LIFE, really. Until very recently, I haven't had much of a presence anywhere, bar a random "like" here or there on Facebook. When you're in that place of evaluating everything, right down to your own core beliefs, you don't want anything or anybody influencing or interfering with your process. When you're in that place of evaluating everything, you're also extremely sensitive to the way people interact with you.... the things they say..... the way they say them. And I don't mean in the sense that everything offends you, but in the sense that everything means more than the words. More than the actions or behaviors. Everything becomes an RSVP to a particular space in your life... or the claim check to a little cardboard box with all their shit in it.

Still "separating clothes," so to speak, but mostly I'm sweeping up in the aftermath of Hurricane WTF. Just took on a side writing obligation so as of now, it's back to work.


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